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[WRKSHP] Holistic Embodied Virgo Workshop (Recording)

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Recorded August 2022
Welcome to the sixth of 12 workshops where we are going to explore each astrological sign from a holistic and embodied perspective. We will explore the various components that make Virgo what it is, as a sign energetically, the main significations, how Virgo reflects in seasons, tastes, organ systems, and emotional and psychological states. We will also break down how to view Virgo from outside of the conditioned norms of the culture we exist within in order to access the essence of Virgo. In this and every workshop, we will be introducing very simple and safe practices that aid in bringing the experience of Virgo more into our bodies or relieving us of the more difficult experiences that Virgo can bring. Be ready to deepen and broaden your perspective and direct experience of what Virgo is.

  • Teacher: Cameron Allen

Category: Holistic Embodied Workshops

AM201 - The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy - Spring 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (2)

This course will address the unique psychological characterizations that come with AstrologyMapping.

Not only must the consulting astrologer have mastery of the technical aspects of astrology mapping,they are thereto serve the client in assessing their currentmappingsituation, as well as the advisability of a relocation.

Some people come toanAstro*Carto*Graphy(AstroMapping)consultationthinking that their problems are only a result of where they live;whileothers may truly have lingered too long in an unfavorable place. Both are situations that require skilled assessment and confident guidance.

Students will:

  • Develop sensitivity to the issues faced by clients who are seeking transformation in their own lives. Examine how the planets impact inherent & learned behaviors,which arebrought to light in the natal chart.
  • Addresscultural & environmental impacts when working with the clientwho wants true transformational change intheir lives.
  • Gain clarity and confidence in working with clients through a holistic approach to mapping in combination with the natal chart.
  • Deepentheirunderstanding ofthe possibilities that can berevealedthrough the practiceof AstroMapping.
  • Gainan awareness of how to integrate mapping lines with actual life experiences.

Weekly Topics:

  1. Great Expectations - What people think mapping is, vs.what it actually does. Anexploration ofthe psychological ramifications of mapping and issues that drive human behavior, such as trauma, past experiences, and futuristic expectations.
  2. The Natal Complex -Mapping as a reflection of the natal chart. See examples of how chart aspects and placements look on an actual Astro*Carto*Graphy map.How to evaluate thenatal chartforameaningful mapping consultation. A discussion of the Relocated Chart as compared to the driving forces of Angularity. Integration of astrological transits to the natal chart as a tool for timing and decisions related to mapping.
  3. The Shadow Process -A deep dive into what defines a shadowed planet in the natal complex. Stages of Emergence for a Shadowed Planet.How and why the human unconscious gets in the way of an effective mappingconsultation and/or a successful relocation.A deep dive into the concepts of shadow and projection as related to astrology, natal chart analysis, and astrology mapping.
  4. Astrological Themes and Archetypes -How astrology portrays and developshuman themes that transcend time and culture.An examination of Carl Jung’s model of the human journey from ego to individuation.Why mapping can elevate a person’s integration with self and others.How archetypes influence the perceptions of self and others and why these patternsare important toconsider inyour mapping consultation.
  5. Happy Life -Applying wisdom, intuition, and mapping skills for effective astrological counseling.How astrology mappingcanhelpto manifest a more fulfilling life for yourself and your clients.This week welcomes a guestAstro*Carto*Grapher(tba), for additional insight and experiences in astrology mapping. Discussion with this guest will includehis or her mostprofoundmapping experiences.

Required Reading and Resources:

Lewis, Jim & Kenneth Irving. 1997 (reissued Nov. 2012). The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy. London: Penguin Books.

Hathaway, Edith. 1991. Navigating by the Stars. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Books.

Liz Green. 2018. Jung’s Studies in Astrology. London: Routledge Publishing Ltd.

Your personal A*C*G map

  • Teacher: Tamira McGillivray (She/Her)
  • Teacher: Maya White
  • Teaching Assistant: Deborah DeFrancesco

Category: Spring 2023-2024

C202 - Working with Parents and Children - Audit

Search results | Kepler Classes (3)

This course was recorded in 2024.

Instructor: Cornelia Hansen

Using an astrological chart to determine an individual's psychological temperament has ancient origins. This course applies that knowledge to better understand children. This course is a new approach to looking at temperament using modern child development concepts. The analysis learned in this course can also be used for adult charts and is especially useful for work on compatibility or couple's counseling.

Applying astrological and modern child development concepts of temperament, this course provides students with a new approach to looking at
• How analyzing and interpreting a child's chart differs from an adult's,
• Identifying temperamental "types" and their characteristics,
• Identifying parenting strategies that can more effectively meet a child's individual needs
• The lifelong influences and effects of temperament on behavior
• How an astrologer can counsel parents in a way that promotes positive developmental progress.
• Possible uses of temperament information in making comparisons among both children and adults, plus applications for couple’s counseling

This course is designed to help the astrologer to understand where there is or is not a good fit between the child and his/her physical and social environment and what that entails.

Category: Audit Courses

C202 - Working with Parents and Children - Fall 2024-25

Search results | Kepler Classes (4)

Using an astrological chart to determine an individual's psychological temperament has ancient origins. This course applies that knowledge to better understand children. This course is a new approach to looking at temperament using modern child development concepts. The analysis learned in this course can also be used for adult charts and is especially useful for work on compatibility or couple's counseling.

Applying astrological and modern child development concepts of temperament, this course provides students with a new approach to looking at
• How analyzing and interpreting a child's chart differs from an adult's,
• Identifying temperamental "types" and their characteristics,
• Identifying parenting strategies that can more effectively meet a child's individual needs
• The lifelong influences and effects of temperament on behavior
• How an astrologer can counsel parents in a way that promotes positive developmental progress.
• Possible uses of temperament information in making comparisons among both children and adults, plus applications for couple’s counseling

This course is designed to help the astrologer to understand where there is or is not a good fit between the child and his/her physical and social environment and what that entails.

Required Texts:

Arroyo, Stephen. 1975.Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements.CRCS Publications. (available on Amazon for $11 - 15)

Hansen, Cornelia. 2018.Kidwheels: Understanding the Child in the Chart.Dorset,England: The Wessex Astrologer Ltd.

  • Teacher: Cornelia Hansen

Category: Fall 2024-2025

C202 - Working with Parents and Children - Winter 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (5)

Using an astrological chart to determine an individual's psychological temperament has ancient origins. This course applies that knowledge to better understand children. This course is a new approach to looking at temperament using modern child development concepts. The analysis learned in this course can also be used for adult charts and is especially useful for work on compatibility or couple's counseling.

Applying astrological and modern child development concepts of temperament, this course provides students with a new approach to looking at
• How analyzing and interpreting a child's chart differs from an adult's,
• Identifying temperamental "types" and their characteristics,
• Identifying parenting strategies that can more effectively meet a child's individual needs
• The lifelong influences and effects of temperament on behavior
• How an astrologer can counsel parents in a way that promotes positive developmental progress.
• Possible uses of temperament information in making comparisons among both children and adults, plus applications for couple’s counseling

This course is designed to help the astrologer to understand where there is or is not a good fit between the child and his/her physical and social environment and what that entails.

Required Texts:

Arroyo, Stephen. 1975.Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements.CRCS Publications. (available on Amazon for $11 - 15)

Hansen, Cornelia. 2018.Kidwheels: Understanding the Child in the Chart.Dorset,England: The Wessex Astrologer Ltd.

  • Teacher: Cornelia Hansen

Category: Winter 2023-2024

C203 - Family Patterns and Chart Interpretation - Summer 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (6)

Course description: Students will continue to build their astrological interpretation skills as they examine issues related to families’ patterns, groups, and themes. Students will also continue to build their knowledge of psychological principles and ethical considerations.

This course offers practical guidance for astrologers working with their own and clients’ family issues: parents, children, siblings, or extended relationships.

Family relationships form much of the background complexity of a person’s life: they set patterns that manifest in relationships with bosses and subordinates, close friends and intimates, and in our career and lifestyle choices.

This course will go beyond the “nuclear family” to include a consideration of the social, ethnic, and historical contexts of family life. Students will sample psychodynamic approaches that inform much modern astrology and
systems approaches that enable an exploration of the interlocking patterns of our birth and family connections.

Students will examine parental/offspring and sibling relationships within family structures through the astrological chart. They will look at generational transmission, sibling position, and changes within the family to see how astrological indicators reflect these considerations and how they might run counter to them.

Participants are invited to share cases they have encountered in their work and to share insights from their own family experiences and their own lives.

Required Books: Recommended:not required.

-McGoldrick, Gerson, Petry.Genograms:Assessment and Intervention3rd Ed. Norton2008.Sullivan, Erin. 2008. (Wonderful book on generational change andcontinuity within families)
-Sullivan, Erin.The Astrologyof Family Dynamics.NY,NY: Penguin.(2008 revisiondroppedDynastyfrom 1996 title, same book)(Uses systemstheories mixed with psychological astrology)

-Gauquelin, Michel. 1966 (1988 Englishedition).Planetary Heredity.San Diego, CA: ACS Publications,Inc. (Astrological research on patterns that repeat over generations)

-Greene, Liz & HowardSasportas.The Luminaries.York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, Inc.1992. (Psychological astrology approach, interesting insights)

-Greene, Liz & HowardSasportas. Chapter - The Parental Marriage and the Horoscope fromTheDevelopment of Personality. Samuel Weiser Publisher 1987.(Psychodynamics between parents and their influence on children.)

-Cowger, Barry.Reconstructingthe Real You. Mercurius Publishing 1992. (Families described as somethingto escape from)

Pre-requisite: Foundations,or equivalent.

This counts as an elective for the Professional Diploma

Weekly topics:

1.History, Ethnicity, Astrology's Houses

2.Genograms, Parental Units, and Triangles

3.Parental Units (conclusion), Siblings

4.Family dynamics across time

5.Case Studies and Issues of Perspective

  • Teacher: Joseph Crane
  • Teacher: Enid Newberg

Category: Summer 2023-2024

Cancelled WR202B Astrology and Family Patterns [Spring 21-22]

Search results | Kepler Classes (7)

Course description: Students will continue to build their astrological interpretation skills as they examine issues related to families’ patterns, groups, and themes. Students will also continue to build their knowledge of psychological principles and ethical considerations.

This course offers practical guidance for astrologers working with their own and clients’ family issues: parents, children, siblings, or extended relationships.

Family relationships form much of the background complexity of a person’s life: they set patterns that manifest in relationships with bosses and subordinates, close friends and intimates, and in our career and lifestyle choices.

This course will go beyond the “nuclear family” to include a consideration of the social, ethnic, and historical contexts of family life. Students will sample psychodynamic approaches that inform much modern astrology and
systems approaches that enable an exploration of the interlocking patterns of our birth and family connections.

Students will examine parental/offspring and sibling relationships within family structures through the astrological chart. They will look at generational transmission, sibling position, and changes within the family to see how astrological indicators reflect these considerations and how they might run counter to them.

Participants are invited to share cases they have encountered in their work and to share insights from their own family experiences and their own lives.

Course name: WR202B Astrology andFamily Patterns.

Instructors: EnidNewberg and Joseph Crane

Course length: 5Weeks

Course cost: $295

Required Books: Recommended:not required.

-McGoldrick, Gerson, Petry.Genograms:Assessment and Intervention3rd Ed. Norton2008.Sullivan, Erin. 2008. (Wonderful book on generational change andcontinuity within families)
-Sullivan, Erin.The Astrologyof Family Dynamics.NY,NY: Penguin.(2008 revisiondroppedDynastyfrom 1996 title, same book)(Uses systemstheories mixed with psychological astrology)

-Gauquelin, Michel. 1966 (1988 Englishedition).Planetary Heredity.San Diego, CA: ACS Publications,Inc. (Astrological research on patterns that repeat over generations)

-Greene, Liz & HowardSasportas.The Luminaries.York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, Inc.1992. (Psychological astrology approach, interesting insights)

-Greene, Liz & HowardSasportas. Chapter - The Parental Marriage and the Horoscope fromTheDevelopment of Personality. Samuel Weiser Publisher 1987.(Psychodynamics between parents and their influence on children.)

-Cowger, Barry.Reconstructingthe Real You. Mercurius Publishing 1992. (Families described as somethingto escape from)

Pre-requisite: Foundations,or equivalent.

This counts as an elective for the Professional Diploma

Weekly topics:

1.History, Ethnicity, Astrology's Houses

2.Genograms, Parental Units, and Triangles

3.Parental Units (conclusion), Siblings

4.Family dynamics across time

5.Case Studies and Issues of Perspective

Instructor bios:

EnidNewberg,MA Whole Systems Design. Enid has been a librarian, astrologer,childbirth educator, paralegal, IT and web developer and trainer, entrepreneur,administrator, and teacher.

In 1993, Enid became involved in the dream ofcreating an academic college where astrology would be openly taught and joinedthe board of Kepler College. She was president of the College as it opened from2000-2001 and again from 2007-2019. In 2013, her interest in preserving andexpanding an understanding of our astrological heritage led her to helpestablish the Alexandria iBase Project.

Enid particularly enjoys introducing students tothe dynamic aliveness of an astrological chart. She is also fascinated byastrology's history and philosophy as well as its intersection with magic,spirituality, and culture. She loves to teach and use astrology to help clientsfind creative insights.

Enid is an instructor in:

The Bridge Course for Astrological Fundamentals

E520A Psyche and Soul: The Astrology of Identityand Character

E520B Astrologies of Soul: Calling and Vocation

E520C The Recurring and Evolving Soul 2nd ed.

M100 Chart Construction

W101 Fundamentals I: Introduction

W102 Fundamentals II: Interpretation Tools

Tag/link to associated certificates + diplomaprogram.

Joseph Crane,M.A. is a consulting astrologer, teacher, and author. He has conductedbeginning astrology courses, training programs on astrological interpretation,and on counseling skills for astrologers. He has been involved with the KeplerCollege and Certificate Program since 2007. He also works 1:1 with those whowish to include astrology in their counseling work. He has been involved withthe Kepler College and Certificate Program since 2007.

Joseph is the author of A Practical Guide toTraditional Astrology (1997), Astrological Roots: The Hellenistic Legacy (2007)and Between Fortune and Providence: Astrology and the Universe in Dante’sDivine Comedy (2012). He publishes a monthly astrology newsletter thatcurrently profiles historical and contemporary public figures. Newsletters andother information can be found at The Astrology Institute. Joseph is also apsychotherapist and a Buddhist practitioner. He lives in Rhode Island. You canfind out more at his website:

Joseph is an instructor in:

E520A Psyche and Soul: The Astrology of Identityand Character

E520B Astrologies of Soul: Calling and Vocation

E520C The Recurring and Evolving Soul 2nd ed.

E521A ​TheLife, Times and Astrology of Marsilio Ficino​

WR202B The Astrology of Family Patterns

  • Teacher: Joseph Crane
  • Teacher: Enid Newberg

Category: Spring 2021-2022

Cancelled WR205A Introduction to Psychological Astrology (Spring 21-22)

Search results | Kepler Classes (8)

Course description:Know Thyself, is the first rule of client work. Get ready to learn more about yourself through the lens of Jungian Psychological Astrology. In this class, we do a deep dive by exploring astrological foundations of elements and modalities, and how they drive our personality and life choices. Students will explore their own natal chart for self-discovery and working with the MBTI (Myers Briggs Inventory). We will explore interpretations of planets in signs, the difference between the natal promise, and how the individual can evolve over time with their chart. Through discussions, reading, process journaling, and case studies, students will gain insights into self-understanding and client work.

Course name: WR205 Introduction to Psychological Astrology

Instructors:Ali Gully

Course length:5 Weeks

Course cost:$295.00

Required Books:

Arroyo, Stephen 1975. Astrology, psychology, and the four elements: An energy approach toastrology and its use in the counseling arts. CRCS Publications. Sebastopol, California.Amazon: $13.97

Hamaker-Zondag, Karen 1991. Aspects and personality. Samuel Weiser, Inc. York Beach,Maine. Amazon: $14.95

--There will be additional referenced texts in the class and additional readings through articleslinked on the class website.


Rudhyar, Dane. 1991. The Astrology of Personality. Aurora Press. Santa Fe, New Mexico.Amazon: $24.95. Kindle: $9.99

Hamaker-Zondag, Karen 1994. Foundations of Personality: Combining elements, crosses, andhouses with Jungian psychological concepts in horoscope interpretation, 2nd ed. SamuelWeiser, Inc. York Beach, Maine. Amazon: $14.95

Prerequisite: none

Students in the Diploma program who successfully pass this workshop can count it as 1/2 an elective towards their professional diploma.

Weekly topics:

1. Astrology's Psychological Roots

2.Psychological Qualities

3.Polarities, Planets, and Signs

4.Houses and Cycles

5.Aspects and Synthesis

Instructor bio:

Ali Gully

Ali Gullyis the voice and visionary behind Ascent Astrology. She blends her background in therapy and passion for Hellenistic astrology into her work. With a BA in Political Science, a MSW from Tulane, and a MA in Organizational Psychology, Ali uses the person-in-environment approach when working with clients and organizations. She taught many classes in crisis management, self-care, ethics, as well as the basics and predictive methods of astrology.

Ali is a strong proponent in astrological pedagogy and apprenticeships; she has mentored under Maureen Leininger, Kelly Surtees, and April Elliot Kent. Ali is a member of several professional astrological organizations including the AFA, OPA, ISAR, AFAN, and NCGR. She is currently on the Steering Committee for AFAN specializing in Media Watch, Scholarship, and Membership. She is also on the editorial staff of Midheaven Magazine. Ali Gully lives with her husband, son, daughter and Scottish Terrier in Wisconsin.
Her email

  • Teacher: Ali Gully

Category: Spring 2021-2022

CS151A Dignities and Debilities (Winter 21-22)

Search results | Kepler Classes (9)

Course description:Are planets better behaved in some signs than others? In opposition, what planet is most likely to win the tug of war? Are mutual receptions always nice? The key to answering these questions and many more is understanding dignities and debilities.

The traditional astrology tool of dignity and debility is a powerful and nuanced way to add detail to your chart interpretation. But many astrologers do not realize how effective and useful this tool can be or they think it is simply archaic and overly complicated. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The goal of this class is to show how you can reclaim this effective tool.

If you ever want to add horary and electional astrology to your toolkit, you already know you need to understand dignities and debilities. But this tool can add tremendously to your understanding of the natal chart. Unfortunately, it is rare that you can find a course that gives more than just a basic understanding or point listing.

"The instructor. Charlie was very methodical and knew the information very well. He presented the information in the best possible manner. His lectures went beyond the written word in the handout and he got his points out effectively. Also, Charlie was extremely patient with his students; questions were encouraged and you felt comfortable asking them."

“You really got the feeling that Charlie wanted you to learn. You could feel his excitement with the material too, which was awesome! I loved this class! I learned a lot and it made me very excited about astrology. I left feeling that I could actually look at a chart and understand it.”


Using clear explanations, examples, and exercises, Charlie will help you build your interpretative skill and guide you into a deeper understanding of the logic and power of the dignities and debilities. (Did you know that Aristotle described the soul as moving through each of the planetary spheres and choosing from them the qualities it wanted in its life. So, in esoteric astrology, the dignity system became a way of helping you to discover more about your soul's path and purpose.}

“I would like to thank Charles; this is the most helpful astrology course so far. It’s a very clear traditional astrology system, that introduces a method to analyze charts. The teaching is structured and to the point. I hope to see Charles in October for Cycle of the year.”

From William Lilly's book Christian Astrology (1647), Chapter 18 (with the spellings modernized):

The exact way of judicature [interpretation] in Astrology is,

First, by being perfect in the nature of the planets and Signs.

Second, by knowing the strength, fortitude or debility of the Planets, Significators, and a well posing of them and their aspects and several mixtures, in your judgment.

Third, by rightly applying the influence of the position of Heaven erected, and the Planets aspects to one another at the time of the Question, according to natural (and not enforced) maxims of Art; for by how much you endeavor to strain a judgment beyond nature, by so much the more you augment your Error.

A Planet is then said to be really strong when he has many Essential dignities, which are known, by his being either in his House [Rulership], Exaltation, Triplicity, Term or Face, at time of the erecting the Figure [chart].

Students will explore the full traditional system of essential dignity and debility, and how it can be a powerful tool in modern chart interpretation.

-You will receive an overview of

the history and etymology of the concepts dignity and debility

what the different dignities mean, and why there are different versions

the difference in understanding and using rulership and dignity in traditional and modern terms

how the meaning and usage of the dignities has changed through history

important concepts related to dignity - reception, almuten, peregrine

You will receive practice in

how to use both major and minor dignities to build nuance in chart interpretation

how dignity and reception help understand planetary aspects and the types of conversations the planets are having

how dignities can help you find assistance for a problematic point in the chart

Students meet in a live online session for 2 hours each week and will be able to download a copy of the recorded lecture. But we also want to make sure you can apply what you are learning.

In addition to the lectures, students will have a course website that includes additional resources, discussion forums, and many opportunities to practice the material with feedback from fellow students and the instructor. Each week students will meet online to go over the material for that week. All students will receive the opportunity to review and download their own copy of the recorded session.

Course name: CS151A:Dignities and Debilities

Instructors: CharlesObert

Course length: 5Weeks

Course cost: $295.00

Required Books:Obert, Charles. 2018. Using Dignities in Astrology. Minneapolis, MN: AlmutenPress. ($12.99 at, $25 on Amazon)

Prerequisite: fundamentalsor equivalent.

Students in the Diploma program who successfullypass this workshop can count it as 1/2 an elective in either the forecasting orinterpretation sections.

Weekly topics:

1.Introduction, Major Dignities


3.Accidental Dignities and Other Factors



Instructor bios:

Charlie Obert is a student of astrology since highschool and has studied and practiced both modern and traditional astrologytechniques. He teaches workshops and leads study groups on traditionalastrology. Charlie is the author of An Introduction to Traditional NatalAstrology and Using Dignities in Astrology, which are currently being used astextbooks at Kepler College. His teachers included Dr. Benjamin Dykes and ChrisBrennan.

Charlie's current focus is working on howtraditional and modern astrologers can complement and learn from each other. Hehas a twice-monthly blog on astrology topics on his website at

Listen to Charlie's interview on The AstrologyPodcast to find out more about his work on traditional dignities anddebilities.

Charlie teaches the following course:

CS151ADignities and Debilities

CS153A The Cycle of the Year: TraditionalPredictive Astrology

  • Teacher: Charles Obert
  • Non-editing teacher: Ali Gully
  • Non-editing teacher: Lindsay Michko

Category: Winter 2021-2022

CS201A Magical Elections (Fall 21-22)

Search results | Kepler Classes (10)

This counts as an elective.

Course name: CS201A Magical Elections

Instructor: NinaGryphon

Course length: 5Weeks

Course cost: $ 295

Required Books:

-PicatrixbyMaslamah ibn Ahmad Majriti. The Attrell and Porreca translation linked here ispreferred and will be used in the course. If you have another edition, that maybe acceptable depending on the quality, which has varied dramatically betweeneditions. Whatever edition you use, please ensure it is complete and has allfour books. Link:

-Book of RulershipsbyJ. Lee Lehman. Link:

-Three Books of Occult PhilosophybyHeinrich Agrippa. Online versions exist and can be used (such as;view=toc);for students wanting a physical book, Llewellyn's edition is a good, readableoption: Link:

-Christian AstrologybyWilliam Lilly. I recommend purchasing Books I and II (Link:, but if youdo not have a copy or want a modernized/footnoted experience, we will bestudying primarily Ch. 8-15, freely available, and conveniently annotated/resetby astrologer Deborah Houlding:

Christian Astrology, Ch. 8-11 - the Superior Planets,Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars:
Christian Astrology, Ch. 12-15 - The Sun and InferiorPlanets: Venus, Mercury, and the Moon:

Suggested Texts:

The following books or other resources are helpfulbut not required.

* Free astrology software (Windows)link:Morinus

* Planetary hours calculator link:Lunarium

*The Orphic Hymnsby trans. Prof. Athanassakis. The modern,literal translation of the Hymns to the Greek Gods. Link:, you can use the free 18th century translations by Thomas Taylor,available at this link: Taylor's style is a bit flowery and archaic, which may be a feature or abug, depending on your perspective.

*Influencesby Mary Quinlan-McGrath. An art historianexplains the magico-astronomical theory while exploring the astrology behindfamous Renaissance frescoes and buildings, revealing their original purpose astalismans. Link:

* Constellations of Words. Across-referenced listing of the fixed stars, their meanings, and

Pre-requisite: Basicto intermediate astrological knowledge is necessary for students to get themost out of this class. Students should understand basic natal astrology, aswell as transits. It is helpful but not necessary for students to have magicalknowledge or experience.

Course description:

This course will teach the theory, methods, andpractical application of astrological magic, as practiced in the West and theMiddle East for the past two thousand years. Historic astrological magic hasonly been fully rediscovered in the past two decades as older astrological andmagical texts were translated into modern languages.

The course will rely heavily on important magicaltexts such as the Picatrix (10th-century Arabic magical text), the2000-year-old Greek Magical Papyri, and other medieval and Renaissance textsthat teach magical methods. Astrological magic has been growing in popularitydue to its effectiveness compared to modern styles of magic, which do notutilize astrology and are therefore missing the crucial time factor.

The course will start with a discussion of thetheory and philosophical concepts underlying this style of magic, which werestrongly influenced by ancient Greek philosophy, as well as ancient Egyptiantraditions. Then, we will move into the astrological portion of the workshop toteach students how to elect the most favorable moments for magical rituals,including planetary magic, the use of fixed stars, decans, and access to thepersonal guardian daimon.

Strong astrological elections are key to successfulmagical rituals, and we will learn how to prioritize among many factors that gointo a high-quality electional horoscope. As part of this module, we will studyfor example magical electional horoscopes and examine ancient “recipes” forspecific magical effects. After learning the basics, we will turn to thepractical instructions for rituals for various needs (love, luck, career,studies, etc.). We will start with the intangible qualities we need to bring toa ritual and discuss material aspects of ritual (materials, incantations,writing styles, images, music, and more). We will learn about the deities andspiritual beings we call upon in order to create a magical effect and give lifeto the talisman. We will finish up with a discussion of the use and disposal ofcompleted talismans. At the end of the course, we will bring all of thistogether, as we will walk through at least one complete astrological magicalritual, start to finish, and create a real talisman together. We will gothrough additional examples if time permits.

Weekly topics:

1.Magical Philosophy, Theory, and History

2.Foundations of Astrological Magic &The Planets

3.Astrological Elections

4.Planetary Days/Hours, Fixed Stars,Decans

5.Fixed Stars, Lunar Mansions, and theGuardian Daimon

Instructor bio:

Nina Gryphonisa practicing astrologer and corporate lawyer living in Los Angeles, California,with her husband, Robert. Her predictions have appeared in many majorpublications, and she has been interviewed on radio and TV. She received herJD, and MA/BA (from Stanford University, and completed John Frawley’s HoraryApprenticeship. Since then, she has studied horary with Deborah Houlding, aleading traditional astrologer.

Nina practices traditional astrology, with aspecial emphasis on horary and astrological magic. She writes a horary columnfor The Mountain Astrologer, as well as articles for her blog, and teachesclasses and workshops worldwide. She publishes a popular monthly guide, MagicalElections, to the best upcoming magical elections, which includes detailed magicalguidance and education. Nina can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Nina is an instructor in:

  • Teacher: Nina Gryphon

Category: Fall 2021-2022

E201 - Vocational Astrology - Fall 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (11)


Learn core techniques that help your clients evaluate what types of work environment allows them to thrive.

The best job is one that matches who we are with how we earn a living. When there is a mismatch, we experience anxiety, frustration, and burnout. After two years of pandemic-induced stress and change in the workplace, millions of people are re-evaluating what they want to do with themselves to earn money. As astrologers, we have tools that can assist our clients to assess how their interests, abilities, values, and personalities impact their daily work.

This class introduces vocational astrology through a hands-on set of techniques and exercises. Students will test different methodologies on their own charts and the charts of well-known personalities.

Week 1: Introduction to vocational counseling and creative visualization. This week explores the basics of career counseling from a cultural and astrological perspective. Students will combine creative visualizations with astrological symbols to gain insight into an individual’s personality (for example, graphic depictions of “I like/I dislike” and “I want/I don’t want”)

Week 2: Personal happiness and social usefulness Part 1. The Personal Planets and the Angles: their expression, needs, challenges, and interactions.

Week 3: Personal happiness and social usefulness Part 2. The Astrological Houses: Traditionally, astrologers have used the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses along with the Midheaven as indicators of career. But the other houses also have their roles.

Weeks 4 and 5: Putting it together. Students will explore the effectiveness of different astrological methods to interpret career potential.

  • Teacher: Enid Newberg

Category: Fall 2023-2024

E201 - Vocational Astrology - Fall 2024-25

Search results | Kepler Classes (12)


Learn core techniques that help your clients evaluate what types of work environment allows them to thrive.

The best job is one that matches who we are with how we earn a living. When there is a mismatch, we experience anxiety, frustration, and burnout. After two years of pandemic-induced stress and change in the workplace, millions of people are re-evaluating what they want to do with themselves to earn money. As astrologers, we have tools that can assist our clients to assess how their interests, abilities, values, and personalities impact their daily work.

This class introduces vocational astrology through a hands-on set of techniques and exercises. Students will test different methodologies on their own charts and the charts of well-known personalities.

Week 1: Introduction to vocational counseling and creative visualization. This week explores the basics of career counseling from a cultural and astrological perspective. Students will combine creative visualizations with astrological symbols to gain insight into an individual’s personality (for example, graphic depictions of “I like/I dislike” and “I want/I don’t want”)

Week 2: Personal happiness and social usefulness Part 1. The Personal Planets and the Angles: their expression, needs, challenges, and interactions.

Week 3: Personal happiness and social usefulness Part 2. The Astrological Houses: Traditionally, astrologers have used the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses along with the Midheaven as indicators of career. But the other houses also have their roles.

Weeks 4 and 5: Putting it together. Students will explore the effectiveness of different astrological methods to interpret career potential.

  • Teacher: Enid Newberg
  • Non-editing teacher: Joseph Crane

Category: Fall 2024-2025

E202 - Introduction to Harmonic Aspects - Summer 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (13)

This course revisits the theoretical basis and the evolution of aspects in astrology, presenting harmonic aspects in a practical and usable framework. Relying on astrological basics with concepts from sacred geometry, students will be taught to integrate aspects based upon non-zodiacal relationships, including quintiles, septiles, octiles, noviles and more. These harmonic aspects widen the astrological palette and enable the astrologer to quickly find previously hidden dimensions of personality.

Students will learn:

  • How to integrate harmonic aspects into basic chart analysis.
  • To present a solid rationale for using harmonic aspect.
  • To demonstrate the efficacy of harmonic aspects.
  • To bring harmonic aspects down to earth.
  • To develop practice based upon established theory.

Weekly Topics:

  1. Course overview. The historical perspective: evolution of aspect theory. Aspects as harmonics. The shift from discrete planetary points to vibratory hum. The difference between harmonic charts and harmonic aspects. Introduction to the fundamental harmonic aspects. The role of midpoints in harmonic resonance. Physical and metaphysical aspects. Aspects and gender bias. Revisioning orbs.
  2. Review of zodiacal aspects, inconjuncts, and non-Ptolemaic aspects. Working with the 8th harmonic aspect series. Oppositions, squares, and octiles (semisquares and sesquisquares). Octile configurations. Oppositions with the Point of Thor and Point of Thales. Thor's Hammer. Chart examples.
  3. Introducing the 5th and 7th harmonic aspects (quintiles & septiles). Quintiles, the Venus star, and the golden mean. Quintiles, deciles, and creativity. Septiles, fate, and metaphysical complexity. Quintile & septile configurations. Quintile yods and septile yods. Oppositions with the Point of Fibonacci and the Points of Fate. How quintiles and septiles quickly reveal hidden dimensions of a natal chart. Chart examples.
  4. Introduction of the 9th and 11th harmonic aspects (noviles and elftiles). Noviles and superconductivity. Novile configurations that stimulate trines. Elftiles and the outsiders. Elftile configurations that stand alone. Chart examples.
  5. Putting it all together. Bringing harmonic aspects into natal chart consultations. Evaluating harmonic resonance. Symmetry and complex patterns. Topics for further exploration. Chart examples.

Recommended Texts:

There are no required readings for this course. However, here is a list of suggestions for further study:

  • The Language of Uranian Astrology by Roger A. Jacobson
  • Astrological Aspects: A Process Oriented Approach by Leyla Rael and Dane Rudhyar
  • A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer by Michael R. Meyer
  • Harmonic Astrology in Practice by David Hamblin
  • Harmonic Charts: A New Dimension in Astrology by David Hamblin
  • Working with Astrology: The Psychology of Midpoints, Harmonics, and Astro*Carto*Graphy by Michael Harding and Charles Harvey
  • Vibrational Astrology: The Essentials by David Cochrane
  • Harmonic Anthology by John Addey
  • Harmonic in Astrology by John Addey


Solid fundamental knowledge of astrological basics—planets, signs, houses, Ptolemaic aspects.

  • Teacher: Rick Levine
  • Teaching Assistant: Gail Goldberg

Category: Summer 2023-2024

E202 - Introduction to Harmonic Aspects - Winter 2024-25

This course revisits the theoretical basis and the evolution of aspects in astrology, presenting harmonic aspects in a practical and usable framework. Relying on astrological basics with concepts from sacred geometry, students will be taught to integrate aspects based upon non-zodiacal relationships, including quintiles, septiles, octiles, noviles and more. These harmonic aspects widen the astrological palette and enable the astrologer to quickly find previously hidden dimensions of personality.

Students will learn:

  • How to integrate harmonic aspects into basic chart analysis.
  • To present a solid rationale for using harmonic aspect.
  • To demonstrate the efficacy of harmonic aspects.
  • To bring harmonic aspects down to earth.
  • To develop practice based upon established theory.

Weekly Topics:

  1. Course overview. The historical perspective: evolution of aspect theory. Aspects as harmonics. The shift from discrete planetary points to vibratory hum. The difference between harmonic charts and harmonic aspects. Introduction to the fundamental harmonic aspects. The role of midpoints in harmonic resonance. Physical and metaphysical aspects. Aspects and gender bias. Revisioning orbs.
  2. Review of zodiacal aspects, inconjuncts, and non-Ptolemaic aspects. Working with the 8th harmonic aspect series. Oppositions, squares, and octiles (semisquares and sesquisquares). Octile configurations. Oppositions with the Point of Thor and Point of Thales. Thor's Hammer. Chart examples.
  3. Introducing the 5th and 7th harmonic aspects (quintiles & septiles). Quintiles, the Venus star, and the golden mean. Quintiles, deciles, and creativity. Septiles, fate, and metaphysical complexity. Quintile & septile configurations. Quintile yods and septile yods. Oppositions with the Point of Fibonacci and the Points of Fate. How quintiles and septiles quickly reveal hidden dimensions of a natal chart. Chart examples.
  4. Introduction of the 9th and 11th harmonic aspects (noviles and elftiles). Noviles and superconductivity. Novile configurations that stimulate trines. Elftiles and the outsiders. Elftile configurations that stand alone. Chart examples.
  5. Putting it all together. Bringing harmonic aspects into natal chart consultations. Evaluating harmonic resonance. Symmetry and complex patterns. Topics for further exploration. Chart examples.

Recommended Texts:

There are no required readings for this course. However, here is a list of suggestions for further study:

  • The Language of Uranian Astrology by Roger A. Jacobson
  • Astrological Aspects: A Process Oriented Approach by Leyla Rael and Dane Rudhyar
  • A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer by Michael R. Meyer
  • Harmonic Astrology in Practice by David Hamblin
  • Harmonic Charts: A New Dimension in Astrology by David Hamblin
  • Working with Astrology: The Psychology of Midpoints, Harmonics, and Astro*Carto*Graphy by Michael Harding and Charles Harvey
  • Vibrational Astrology: The Essentials by David Cochrane
  • Harmonic Anthology by John Addey
  • Harmonic in Astrology by John Addey


Solid fundamental knowledge of astrological basics—planets, signs, houses, Ptolemaic aspects.

Category: Winter 2024-2025

E301A Astrological History-Modern (Fall 20-21)

Search results | Kepler Classes (14)

Course description:

Astrology was hugely popular from the late Renaissance into the mid to late 1600s. But during the 1700s, astrology began to be ridiculed as a superstitious and silly activity. It didn't go away, it just went underground into secret societies and survived on the fringes of society.

In the 1800s, however, with the rise of spiritualism and then the influence of the Theosophical Society in the 1870s there was a renaissance of interest in both Western and Indian (Vedic) astrology. Unfortunately, this also created a backlash, and increasingly astrology was lumped in with laws against any kind of fortune-telling. This hastened the rise of modern psychological astrology that focused on character development rather than forecasting. In the 1960s astrology had another resurgence resulting in the foundation of many of today's astrological organizations, including NCGR and ISAR (the American Federation of Astrologers had been around since 1938). Interest in astrology's heritage also took hold during this period since so much information had been lost.

The 1960s and 1970s saw an increase in interest in both new techniques and in revisiting older material. Uranian Astrology, Evolutionary Astrology, Moon phases, the 12-letter alphabet, and working with asteroids are samples of the new approaches. At the same time, an increasing number of prominent astrologers began acquiring the education they needed to translate and understand Hellenistic and Medieval material. The current interest in traditional astrology traces directly to their dedicated work.

In this course, students will:

See how astrology was embedded in mainstream culture and utilized on a regular basis

Study how different astrological lineages and various cultural movements impacted the development of modern astrology

Critique the intellectual shifts in religion and philosophy that led to the modern scientific and secular worldview, and the rejection of intuitive ways of knowing

Explore how changes in 20th-century philosophy and science affected the arts and sciences, and how 21st-century research is moving toward a more inclusive world view.

This course can be taken as an elective for the Diploma program and will also count toward a certificate in our Astrological Heritage.

Course name: E301A:Modern Astrology's Heritage

Instructors: IngaThornell

Course length: 5weeks

Course cost: $295

Required Books:

A History of Western Astrology Volume II: TheMedieval and Modern Worlds
By Nicholas Campion
Paperback: 392 pages
Publisher: Continuum; 1 edition (June 16, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1441181296
ISBN-13: 978-1441181299

Available from the publisher in paperback:

or pdf:

Or from Amazon:

Suggested, in case you are interested in reading more:
A History of Horoscopic Astrology
By James Herschel Holden
Paperback: 376 pages
Publisher: American Federation of Astrologers, Inc.; 2nd edition (October 1,1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0866904638
ISBN-13: 978-0866904636

Western Civilization: A Brief History (any edition)
Author: Marvin Perry
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin or Wadsworth Publishing
Language: English

Pre-requisite: None

Weekly topics:

1. The 17thcentury

2. The 18thcentury

3. The 19thcentury

4. The Theosophical enlightenment

5.The 20thcentury

Instructor bios:

Inga Thornell,IngaDuncan Thornell graduated from Kepler College with a BA in East-West Studiesand a minor in Mythology. She continued her studies at the University of Wales,Trinity St. David in the Cultural Astronomy and Astrology program.

She has returned to Kepler College as an instructor.She also works with clients in a private coaching practice. Her interestsinclude astrology, mythology, and ritual.

Inga’s goal is to help her clients to betterunderstand and constructively utilize the planetary energies in their lives byrecognizing them within themselves and others and to invoke their powers atwill. Please see for information.

Inga teaches in the following courses:

E300 Astrological Heritage

E305A Astro-Mythology: An Introduction

E301A Modern Astrology's Heritage

W103 Fundamentals III: Building Delineation Skills

WR201 Counseling Issues in Astrology

  • Teacher: Inga Thornell (she/her)
  • Teacher: Caroline Witteveen

Category: Fall Term 2020-2021

E310A The Interplay of Religion and Astrology (Summer 21-22)

Search results | Kepler Classes (15)

This course explores the history and development of astrological practice within the nexus of culture and religion. Is astrology a religion as it was developed in Mesopotamia and integrated into ancient Indian faiths? Or is it a science as Ptolemy tried to explain in 150ce?

We will examine the history of astrology paying particular attention to the relationship of culture, religion, and theory in astrological practice. We will explore the role of Belief in astrological meaning and expose the often unconscious religious underpinnings of modern astrological practice. A lot of religious dogma is brought into the consultation room without the conscious perception of the astrologer or client.

This course seeks to make these assumptions conscious by stripping away the dogmatic religious ideology from our everyday practice of astrology. Afterwards, you may wish to add them back into your practice, but at least now they will be conscious decisions enabling you to be a more effective astrologer.

Weekly Topics:

1. The study of religion & the philosophy of science: the religion of astrology’s birth from Mesopotamia to Alexandria to Ujjain.

2. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, & Enlightenment: Religion & critiques of astrology

3. The Reincarnation Revolution: Theosophy vs. Church of Light

4. Spiritual Darwinism and Esoteric Astrology

5. 21st century Spiritual Astrologies & The New Age

Course Objectives:


Will identify the workings of religious assumptions in their own practice.

Will understand how culture, religion, and science combine into an astrological system.

Will understand various techniques that spiritualize the astrological chart

Will have an understanding of the changing concept of The Meaning of Life over time and culture.


This course is pass/no credit. To successfully complete this course (for example, you want to apply it toward the Certificate Diploma), students will be expected to:

(1) Attend in person at least 3 of the 5 live meetings

(2) Respond to all 5 weeks of discussion forums and respond to at least one other person's post per week.

(3) Apply the concepts to your own practice.

Kenneth earned his MA in Eastern and Western Traditions: The History, Philosophy and Transmission of Astrology from Kepler College. He also attended the American College of Vedic Astrology, where he achieved a Level II certification, and is certified a Jyotish Kovid from the Council of Vedic Astrology. He received his BA in Anthropology, Psychology, and Religious Studies from University of Colorado: Boulder.

After years of having his newspaper horoscope read to him by his mom, Kenneth made the shocking discovery that all the planets were involved in astrological judgments. At age 13 he taught himself how to cast a chart by hand. This began a lifelong interest in astrology and astrological traditions. He remained an amateur western astrologer studying with various teachers until the mid-1990s, when he was exposed to Indian (Vedic) astrology, and after a few years decided to make a mid-life career switch to become a professional astrologer.

Kenneth is a former President of Kepler College and has served on various astrological organization boards through the years: CVA, ISAR, NCGR, and SDAS. He loves astrology and is eager to serve the Jyotir Vidya (Goddess/Knowledge of Astrology).

In addition to Indian astrology, Kenneth has studied Modern western astrology with Helena Elizabeth Ruhnau, Hellenistic astrology with Demetra George and Robert Schmidt, Medieval astrology with Robert Zoller, and Renaissance astrology with Lee Lehman. He is one of the few professional astrologers with a working knowledge of all of these traditions.

  • Teacher: Kenneth Miller

Category: Summer 2021-2022

E410A - Naked Eye Astronomy - Winter 2022-23

Search results | Kepler Classes (16)

As art is the bridge between science and spirt, astrology is the bridge between astronomy and correspondences. The more we can understand the measurable quantity of the heavenly happenings, the more deeply we can express their immeasurable quality. Learn to see the chart in the living sky and bring more of the living sky mysteries into your astrology.

When we re-nature astrology by learning to see the chart in the living sky, we re-member the roots of the rules and the proofs of the astrological equations we use. This is not some dry science class, it is a journey designed to facilitate a deeper connection between the above and below. You will integrate the wisdom bits Gemini transmits through your small screen by engaging with a series of practices beneath the big screen of the living sky outside. All aboard for a magical mystery tour.


Students are expected to understand tenants of ground-level astrology like the zodiacal order, basic delineation of signs and houses, and the angles of the major aspects.

Required Texts:

The only real books you will need are written in the stars in your sky and the nature of your experience when you get outside. Download the free version of Stellarium planetarium software (, which you will use if clouds keep you from seeing the stars. Smart phone users should also download one of the many planetarium apps like Stellarium, Star Walk, Star Map, etc. and an astrology app like Astro Gold or Time Passages.

Weekly Topics:

1. The Circle of Spirit

Get to know the flow and thewhy?of the course design and expectations then head out to space station Earth for a quick revolution about the Light. Meet the unequal constellations of the ecliptic plane, contemplate the history and mystery of equal signs, and learn to appreciate the difficulties of tracking sidereal time.

Course intro and logistic •Why learn the Sky? •Astronomy vs. Astrology •Your fieldwork journal •Weekly assessments •Stellarium and other tools •The Circle of Spirit •Earth's Annual Revolution •The Solar Year •The Ecliptic Plane •Zodiac Constellations • Stars are Celestial, Constellations are Terrestrial • The Sidereal Zodiac(s) • The Sidereal Year • Heliacal Risings and Settings of the Stars • Whispers of Precession

2. The Crescent of Soul

Just as Diana delivered Apollo's birth, the soul of the Moon delivers the spirit of the Sun into matter here on Earth. This week will greatly expand your lunar language. Learn to see aspects in the shape of Luna's smile. Learn about the many Moonths of silver time and how they synchronize to recalibrate calendars and generate shadow dragon families of eclipse series.

The Sidereal Month •Nakshatras / Lunar Mansions •Lunar Speed •The Synodic Month •Phases of the Moon •The Silver Year •The Metonic Cycle •"The Zodiac Band" •Celestial Longitude and Latitude •Lunar Nodes •The Draconic Month •The Draconic Year •Eclipse Limits •The 'Black Moon' •The Anomalistic Month •Lunar Speed Revisited •Saros Series of Eclipses

3. The Cross of Matter

How has the primary motion become so secondary to modern astrology? This week's spin is devoted to restoring order! You will learn to see the astronomy of astrological angles, quadrants, and houses in the sky with your naked eye and understand why the lines of the chart rudder from side to side.

Primary and Secondary Motions •Earth's Daily Rotation •The Celestial Equator •Right Ascension and Declination • The Declan’s of Ancient Egypt • Horizon and Meridian •Zenith and Nadir •Azimuth and Altitude •The Astrological Angles •The Astrological Quadrants •The OIAX / "Rudder" •Prime Vertical and Vertex •Nonagesimal and Equal House •Quadrant Houses •Space-based division •Porphyry Houses •Time-based division •Placidus Houses • Sidereal Day vs. Solar Day • Planetary Hours vs. Civil Hours •Ascensional Times

4. The Tropical Zodiac

The principle claim rationalists (and many sidereal astrologers) stake in their efforts to prove tropical astrology fake is that signs and constellations do not align as they did in ancient times. This week you will learn to see why the tropical zodiac is certainly the most astronomically precise of the three zodiac cosmologies (constellational, sidereal, and tropical). You will find that, like so many other sacred systems of ancient wisdom traditions, the tropical zodiac is directionally aligned.

The Reason for the Seasons •Earth's Tilt and Tropics •Equinox and Solstice •The Seasonal Zodiac •North vs. South Hemisphere •The Directional Zodiac •The Declination Zodiac •The Solar Serpent •Gemini Glyph and Antiscia •The Meridian Calendar •Cancer Glyph and Antiscia •The Horizon Calendar •Virgo Glyph and Analemma •Libra Glyph and the Ankh •Sagittarius Glyph and the Tilt •Capricorn Glyph and the Climb •The Apex of the Sun's Way •The Aries Glyph and Ram Horns •The Pisces Glyph and Rudder

5. The Turning of the Ages

Now that we have been directionally aligned, we can trace the precessional circling of Gaia's spine through the heavens above to track the 26,000-year Great Year here on Earth. Though you will learn why the dawning date of the Aquarian Age is a rather arbitrary thing, you will also learn to see that we are alive during an epic time of sacred astronomy that was described in many ancient prophecies. Prepare your heart and mind for a deep dive into the mysteries of space and time!

The Sun on the Cross •East-er and Pass Over •Why does Aries look like Pisces? •The time the Fish were tied •The Tertiary Motion •Axial Precession and Pole Stars •Precession of the Equinoxes •The Great Year •Dating the Thema Mundi •The Astrological Ages •The Age of Aquarius •Galactic Alignment •The Time is Now

  • Teacher: Brett Joseph
  • Teaching Assistant: Holly Albone

Category: Winter 2022-2023

E410B - Living Sky Astrology - Summer 2022-23

Search results | Kepler Classes (17)

Join Gemini Brett for a dance with the moving stars on the stage of the living sky. Learn about star cycles, Moon cycles, and planetary cycles. You’ll leave with many astronomical keys that unlock embodied astrology including, but certainly not limited to the truths of why Mercury retrogrades for a different reason than Jupiter, why Mars is both an inner planet and an exterior planets (wait… what?), why Pluto really does belong to a different category than Uranus and Neptune, and why there’s really no such thing as a “full Venus,” at least not to Earthly eyes. That’s right… Earthly eyes! Much of what you learn in this amazing tour of the heavens will come alive through embodied astro practices that will help you connect with the Heavens above and the Earth below.

Topics include:

Week 1 - Star Cycles - from heliacal rise to heliacal set, learn to keep time with ecliptic stars’ annual birth and death

Week 2 - Moon Cycles - waxing and waning is so much more than a phase

Week 3 - Cosmic Crews - inner vs. outer, interior (interior) vs. exterior (superior), asteroid vs. centaur, planet vs. dwarf, and why it matters

Week 4 - Exterior Planets - Learn why and when Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and invisible beings beyond disappear, reappear, and retrograde

Week 5 - Interior Planets - Learn why Mercury and Venus disappear and reappear twice, once while retrograde and once while direct

  • Teacher: Brett Joseph
  • Teaching Assistant: Holly Albone

Category: Summer 2022-2023

E513A Introduction to Uranian

Search results | Kepler Classes (18)

This course can be taken as an electivefor the Diploma program and will also count toward a certificate in our AlternateStudies.

Course name: E513A:Introduction to Uranian

Instructors: MadalynHillis-Dineen and Karen McCauley

Course length: 5weeks

Course cost: $295

Required Books:None


Nova Chartwheels Program, available to Keplerstudents at half price ($110) from Astrolabe

Pre-requisite: None

Course description:

Many astrologers have heard the term UranianAstrology, but do you know how useful it can be? The Uranian system ofastrology was developed by Alfred Witte (1878-1943) in the early part of thetwentieth century. Witte postulated that the character and destiny of a personare not solely determined by the aspects between the planets but is seenprimarily through the symmetry of the planets.

This mini-course provides an overview of thesystem, touching on the main aspects of Uranian astrology: a discussion of the6 personal points; the cardinal axis and antiscia; midpoints, sensitive points,and planetary pictures;the use of the 360- and 90-degree dials; thehypothetical planets and their meaning in both a personal and mundane context;forecasting the general trends for the year as well as daily transits; and, theuse of the dials, midpoints and planetary pictures in synastry.

The sub-title of the Uranian classic by Witte andLefeldt, "Rules for Planetary Pictures," isTheAstrology of Tomorrowand in many respects, this system has come ofa*ge with the advent of modern astrological tools such as Nova Chartwheels.

Includes a course website withadditional resources. They will also receive a discount on the purchase of NovaChart Wheels.
Students will have the chance to practice and receive feedback on their work

Weekly topics:

1. Uranian Concepts

2. Planetary Symmetry andthe 360- and 90-degree dials

3. The HypotheticalPlanets

4. Forecasting Tools and Techniques

5. Synastry on the Dial

Instructor bios:

Madalyn Hillis-Dineen, C.A. NCGR, isa nationally-known astrologer. She began her study of astrology with theUranian system in 1979 and has taught, lectured, and practiced Uranian(Symmetrical Astrology) techniques for more than 30 years. She is certified asa Consulting Astrologer by the National Council for Geocosmic Research and is acertified astro*carto*graphy interpreter.

Madalyn has written for a variety of publications,, and is a contributor to the Llewellyn anthology, Astrology forWomen: Roles and Relationships.Since August 1994, Madalyn has been theMarketing Director of Astrolabe, Inc., publishers of Solar Fire. She has helpedhundreds of people make the most of their Solar Fire program through herbest-selling DVD series and thousands more every day at Astrolabe.

Madalyn teaches in the followingcourses:

Karen McCauleyhas an M.A. in Educational Psychology from UCLA and spent four years studyingclinical psychology at California Graduate Institute. She was the Editor ofASPECTS Magazine, an astrology journal, from 1987-94. A long-time associate andfriend of Joan McEvers and Marion March, she taught for Aquarius Workshops from1976-1999 and has lectured for AW, OAA, NCGR and UAC. She has served on the AWBoard, the AFAN Steering Committee and as Oregon Astrological AssociationTreasurer and President. Karen currently serves as Kepler’s Director of StudentServices and the Director of the Certificate Program.

In addition to her expertise in psychologicalastrology, Karen McCauley has been active in astro*carto*graphy for many years.Since 1993, she has been the administrator for Continuum (dedicated toeducating others about astro*carto*graphy and certifying practitioners), whereshe designs and administers the international Astro*Carto*Graphy certificationexam.. She also maintains the certification test.

Karen teaches in the following courses:

W103 Fundamentals III: Building Delineation Skills

W104 Fundamentals IV: Natal Practicum

WL220 The Basics of Astro*Carto*Graphy

WR201 Counseling Issues in Astrology

WR203A Relationships 101

  • Teacher: Madalyn Hillis-Dineen
  • Teacher: Karen McCauley (she/her)

Category: Spring Term 2019-2020

E513A Introduction to Uranian (Fall 20-21)

Search results | Kepler Classes (19)

Course description:

Many astrologers have heard the term Uranian Astrology, but do you know how useful it can be? The Uranian system of astrology was developed by Alfred Witte (1878-1943) in the early part of the twentieth century. Witte postulated that the character and destiny of a person are not solely determined by the aspects between the planets but are seen primarily through the symmetry of the planets.

This mini-course provides an overview of the system, touching on the main aspects of Uranian astrology: a discussion of the 6 personal points; the cardinal axis and antiscia; midpoints, sensitive points, and planetary pictures;the use of the 360- and 90-degree dials; the hypothetical planets and their meaning in both a personal and mundane context; forecasting the general trends for the year as well as daily transits; and, the use of the dials, midpoints and planetary pictures in synastry.

The sub-title of the Uranian classic by Witte and Lefeldt, "Rules for Planetary Pictures," isThe Astrology of Tomorrowand in many respects, this system has come of age with the advent of modern astrological tools such as Nova Chartwheels.

Includes a course website with additional resources. They will also receive a discount on the purchase of Nova Chart Wheels.
Students will have the chance to practice and receive feedback on their work

Course name:E513A Introduction to Uranian


Madalyn Hillis-Dineen and Karen McCauley

Course length:5 Weeks

Course cost:$295.00

Required Books: none


Nova Chartwheels Program, available to Kepler students at half price ($110) from Astrolabe

Prerequisite:fundamentals or equivalent.

Weekly topics:

1. Uranian Concepts include the Laws of Alfred Witte, antiscia, planetary pictures, sensitive points, and a brief introduction to the hypothetical planets.

2. Planetary Symmetry and the 360 and 90-degree dials

3. The Hypothetical Planets

4. Forecasting Tools and Techniques

5. Synastry on the Dial

Instructor bios:

Madalyn Hillis-Dineen, C.A. NCGR, isa nationally-known astrologer. She began her study of astrology with theUranian system in 1979 and has taught, lectured, and practiced Uranian(Symmetrical Astrology) techniques for more than 30 years. She is certified asa Consulting Astrologer by the National Council for Geocosmic Research and is acertified astro*carto*graphy interpreter.

Madalyn has written for a variety of publications,, and is a contributor to the Llewellyn anthology, Astrology forWomen: Roles and Relationships.Since August 1994, Madalyn has been theMarketing Director of Astrolabe, Inc., publishers of Solar Fire. She has helpedhundreds of people make the most of their Solar Fire program through herbest-selling DVD series and thousands more every day at Astrolabe.

Madalyn teaches in the followingcourses:

Karen McCauleyhas an M.A. in Educational Psychology from UCLA and spent four years studyingclinical psychology at California Graduate Institute. She was the Editor ofASPECTS Magazine, an astrology journal, from 1987-94. A long-time associate andfriend of Joan McEvers and Marion March, she taught for Aquarius Workshops from1976-1999 and has lectured for AW, OAA, NCGR and UAC. She has served on the AWBoard, the AFAN Steering Committee and as Oregon Astrological AssociationTreasurer and President. Karen currently serves as Kepler’s Director of StudentServices and the Director of the Certificate Program.

In addition to her expertise in psychologicalastrology, Karen McCauley has been active in astro*carto*graphy for many years.Since 1993, she has been the administrator for Continuum (dedicated toeducating others about astro*carto*graphy and certifying practitioners), whereshe designs and administers the international Astro*Carto*Graphy certificationexam.. She also maintains the certification test.

Karen teaches in the following courses:

W103 Fundamentals III: Building Delineation Skills

W104 Fundamentals IV: Natal Practicum

WL220 The Basics of Astro*Carto*Graphy

WR201 Counseling Issues in Astrology

WR203A Relationships 101

  • Teacher: Madalyn Hillis-Dineen
  • Teacher: Karen McCauley (she/her)

Category: Fall Term 2020-2021

Show all 89

Search results | Kepler Classes (2024)
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Article information

Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 6289

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.