The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

ess i Nrijvr1: MMVfTI wBsaOaJas OTORJUNG, MAY 13. tAtoUjraa Bluing. Bditieaef Testorday.I Id? Jlrt. Walker; thVwifc'of th present vtrevaraor of Florida, died la Tallahassee, the capital of ih Sum, on the 7th insir after ft brief illness of two days Her a remains were interred on the 8th but a Pom 6hbbvbport abd Imtbrmbdiatb IAEDrOB The elwrant ateamer National, CapV. Sinnott, having been unavoidably de tained, will leave positively to morrow, Wed necdsy evening, the i3th inst; for Shrereport, Xo(ti Bay on, aad all Intennediata landing.

vThKational will I positively at 5 o'clock, Her genu are Messrs. SinnoU Adams, 25 CoBioereiad Place, and Messrs. Brltion Co 13 Frost street i 11 i a 17 The attention of oar reader la called to too magnificent etock of new spring cloth ing and inraianina Hoods now ottered lor sale by that extensive and clothing firm of Messrs. GarlhwaiU, Lewu Stuart, Wo 31 and 33 Camp atreet, Tulaine Building. Theee gentlemen have all their goods mauufac tared under their own eye, and are, therefore, prepared to warrant them to their toll extent, r.

and they have them made np to the fashions and tasto of oar people. They have alao ft fin store at 271 Main street, Mein phis, Tenn. Thakxs To the clerk of the steamer Louise for Mobile papers. To the Southern Express for newrpaper favors. To Alex.

J. Macrae, 18 Chapel street, Liverpool, for the Art and Produce Circular of 20th ApriL Geortre, Ellis, opposite the Post Office, send the Illustrated Polios GatettcTh Na tional Police Gazette. Frank Leslie's Illus trated Kewspaper, and Harper's Weekly. EST A splendid lot of fat pompano has been received bv that prince of restaurateurs. Miguel, at End of the Pontchartrain AKailroad.

Under any phase of the question the pompano is the most delicious of all fish, i vat when served ap by Miguel it is pre emi DcnUy the piscatorial desideratum. Be We have been favored with a copy of iouowjd Bupmica Ehmtkpokt. May 12. O. L.

Konns it. Brat Arrived Moaday night. 12 o'clock, fifty four hours and nftT two minutes from nort to port wade seventeen freight landings; beat Bart. Able four hours and twenty seven min 7 ea. a.B.

B. Korss, CapL Lafourche. Personal. Chaneellor Lipscomb, of the University of 1 Georgia, has returned from his European trip Miles U'KeiUy has bongbt a tohaceoafarm oi uu acres about sixty miles sooth of Mr. Dnggan.

of Savannah, is inst off for Europe as booth Carolina Immigration Agent, i Lieut. Richard Wilson, Quartermaster and Tost. Treasurer at Fort Sullivan, in Maine. baa absconded, and the commanding efficer of ine ciatriei is maaing searcaior nun. the artlfO.

is in Arabia. I Proi. Charles II. Hitchco*ck is compiling a 'COMotsffeiocicaiauaaoitliewnolecoantrv. Madame.

Mneard. wife of tBe celebrated concert giver in Paris, has lately bought the diamonds of some deposed crowned head for r' ana bniMfrad and sixt Ihonnanil dnllnra. i That New York Son says it is estimated by well informed persons tnat Mr. Dickens car rise back with him from this country a clear 100 COO in gold, Edward Jesse, autlfttr of a hook on Gleanings from Natural History." died re r' eently In England, at tba age of eighty eight. 'The death.

also reported of Miss Emma Fitspatnek, an actress who visited this eotroVyfa 1852. ThaKichmond (Ya.) News, has tha folio it. Q. Washington1 is an assistant editor of tit National Intelligencer, at Washington. Charier P.

J. Dimitrr is connected with tha New York News, and contributes to other A Jonmala. I Ernest La Garde is profe lessor of modern languages at Randolph Macon: College, Vir Jobs K. ThompsoB is abiding in New York. eontribnUng to Southern literary serials, and writing letters to the London press.

Oliver P. Baldwin, on of the most facile and poliebd writers in this country is living la Baltimore. He contributes editorials to the Bon Gwarcfau It appears to conceded that the Conserv ativsriU have a majority in the Legislature on joint ballot, The "loil of Columbus has busted." r. Rev. J.

W. Glenn, one of the oldest and ablest ministers of th Southern Methodist Church, died in Bom, on th 30th nit. Th Confederate fortifications around Sa Vftnf1ti TanffnAf iairtAil SJWHSJBia WIWB UVIMVIIBUVU Th Radical of Ajigustar rmilitary 1 ajrpointe wants th City CouaoiL also Sadi cal, to levy a special tax fort support of negroes aiscoargea rrom employment lor voting th Radical ticket. Over 500 negroes voted th Democratic ticket at th election, in SavannahChatham county. i a r.

The Anrasta Chronicle andSentinel savs i A Radical paper ipeaks of Blodgett as being th Napoleon of For th first tim in oar lives we discover that to like that oalebratad persona sre, on must be an in dieted perjurer and a contemptible renegade. E7.M Lot good digestion wait an acnetite. should say go. Good digestion we aven't any donbt will make an excellent waiter, Appetlt is a good fellow, and lost nch a waiter. Curia StuU of Smvsin Zin SHh EznbanM cava i They have a canons style ot smuggling eilkv opium, cigara, etc free of.

ddty from Vktoria into San Francisco. Large quanti tie of piles an brought in from. Paget Sound. Thaa log ar bored; as though to be used for pump or water pip, leaving aa thin a of wood as poesible. The artiotee in tended to smuggled are then stowed in this clean, dry chamber.

A well fitting plug la driven firmly into th pile, closing the aper ator, and when th end ha been tapered off until th point of union of th wood of th i ping with th wood of th pil is mad as indiatlnct as poasibl. a Ettl soiling conceals it altogether. When arrive at San Francisoo they are' thrown from th ship's deck, and float in th water near th wharves in rude raft until they can taken ashore without suspicion. The final work of sawing foff th plugged ends, or splitting open the pile by blunt wedge easily accomplished. aA th act ol robbery of Uncle dam is Loga tendt lit Oration" to a Waahiagton special to th York World says thai Manager Logan a speech, filed but Bot delivered, has given so much satisfaction to its author that he desire that distinguished personage across the Atlantic shall n.oy th delieht of Dernsing it.

Whh this viaw. Mr. Lotran baa availed himself of fit dispatch bajr W. of th Stat Department to forward copies to aa loUowlDg well known indie, notable per aona and ffentlamen In London Sir John Logan," His Royal iTIighaess Prino of Wal, th Bishop of Lon dcsH th Brttisbv Moeenm, Kraaingtoa Muse vim. Berdamin Disraeli.

Sir Edward LandseeT. Tlm.A TT ar Stm Tjtm rA MUa Elixabeth Mackerary, Mis Fiak, Queen's Ho vel, uos. cnariee rrancis Aaama, u. u. urianby.

Miss M. E. Braddon. th Bishop ot 'Oxford, Mr. Thornton Huat, the limes, th 'Tomahawk.

Saturday Review, and Punch. Th Secretary of Stat informs Gen. Logan, I runs wnua (eeward has cheerruuy oo as plied with th reaaest', 'he ha thought proper to velUv the Department of the re sponaibility which etkerwiaa aafcrhs instlT be presumed, of makinir an andoraamant nrwin each pack, that th package ar transmitted through th dispatch aaenew of London, at th request of Hon, John Ju Logan, on of msj aaaangara, a nr idoVf. IT VOU Wonld anlow wtmrtinr. ra as id wmmm time ua society OI Ul laUiaa.

i yen shoald invite none but widows, for they aal tl si 1 wui onog sneirowB weeus. LETTER; fROM'WASgffGTON. of Tha seen in the Senate salleriea this P. M. simply disgraceful; tha whole thing was arranged apparently in the same way that would be great performers frequently adopt of stuffing tha theatre with dead heads to cheer, stamp, hi 1 hi I whenever the strutter on the stage is supposed to make a point.

'r i This is generallT the case on the occasion of a benefit, or last appearance," and as this was tba latt appearance of the notorious, yet contemptible prosecution in the impeachment farce, and the winding up of the most windy and pointless tirade that has been heard (though thonght far otherwise by the person who delivered it), why it was thought proper to bring down the house," and thus make it appear that the people endorsed to the full all that bad been uttered. For this reason tha galleries and. lobby were purpoaely filled to their utmost capacity. Holding a ticket to obtain admission (and which heretofore was Imperative) was not now necessary, for there were evidently three four individuals present for every ticket that naa neen originally issued. And all to stamp ttingham a argument ana the cause of the evolutionists with a supposed approval.

It was not so when the learned Curtis and EvBrts, Groepbeck aDd StanUerv, were heard in defence of liberty and the important cause they wfre defending. These gentlemen would have scorned so detestable a move ment, and it was reserved for the management" to resort to clap trap, and the arts" of third rate self important actots to draw out from an ignorant, or picked up rabble, what tbey could not obtain fronr an enlightened and appreciative audience Truly, it was a biting hnale to this most iniquitons and disgraceful plot I But do not suppose tne trick was swal lowed, or that the uproarious demonstrations were to be genuine for tbey were not The Chief Justice quickly saw through the drunken ebullitions, and in a stern voice or dered tba galleries and lobbies cleared. A number of Senators, too, including such Republicans as Fessenden and Grimes, also inHted upon the clearing out of the rabble. hiie Trumbull not only backed un h's col leagues, but demanded the arrest of all prominent offenders. This action of Mr.

Chase and the Rennbli can Senators named greatly enraged the ira peacners, woo endeavored to prevent the turning out of their elaquert, hut without sue ees, for the order of the Chief Justice, after some difficulty and delay, was obeyed. 1 ne wtiole occurrence was a remarkable on, una deeerviug of the severest condemna tion, though entirely characteristic of the wbo have endeavored to drive thnnivD this impeachment infamy in defiance of rub lie opinion and the brat laws of God uud man. Ricim05D. Alleced Plat Against Gen. Lee.

The following is a special dispatch to the Cairo Democrat New York, May 9 The telegram's spe cials say that a project is on foot, in the event or the removal oi Johnson, to arrest and try Oen. Lea lor treason and murder. It is expected that Gen. Grant will resent such a violation of the terms of parole as a personal insult. Ihe arrest is to be backed by Wade and other Republicans to defeat Grant's chances for the Presidency.

The plot is supposed to have been concocted by Butler and Stevens. Act Interested. Charles Dickens, on being asked why ha did nqt attend church on 8an dby in Boston, replied that he was not interested in American politic. TEE CITY. The Weather.

The morning was rather cool to be pleasant, and the atmosphere damp irom the recent rain. I he thermometer at clock stood at 67. The clouds since early dawn have been rather thick, and portend another rain. At the present it seem hesita ting between rain and sunshine. The Notobiotjb JimMcGowah Abbbbted.

Abont 13 o'clock to day Messrs. Izard and Farrel arrested the noted thief and burclar. Jim McGowan. He bad, at the time he was taken into custody, a Urge quantity of stolen property, jeweiry, in nis possession, tit is a man of rare cunning and skill in bis calling, and his arrest at this time is a matter of congratulation to all who are familiar with his deeds. Ha will, no doubt, be taken care of for eome time to come.

A Good Result. If no other good result followed the rain yesterday, the clensing of the sewers by the flood was a happy event. The long stagnant water and accumulated mud and dirt of several weeks was pushed out by the fresh water, and this morning many of these malarious ditches look comparatively clean. It seems that Providence will step in and help us a little, if the Street Commissioner will not. A Heavy Bcbglibt.

At an early hour this morningr suppoeed to be about 3 o'clock the dry goods store of Messrs. Kerr dc Fell man, No. 98 and 100 Baronne street, was entered by burglars, and abont 2500 worth of property stolen and carried away. They effected an entrance in front by means of an auger and an outsider." Several instruments used by burglars were left on tho premises, and were subsequently brought the station. CapU Williams, abont 5 o'clock, arrested two men.

named Moses Harvey and Bill Johnson, with part of the stolen goods their possession. They were brought to the central station and locked np. Cbabqed with Labcebt. This morning Officer, Mace arrested a man named Leonard jHarveyon the steamboat landing, charged with the larceny of goods from steamers lying at the wharf He will probably pat in an appearance to day. Offices Opeb.

The police report again this morning having found several important oiuVes and stores open last night and no one about the premises. In each case the doors were fastened and the bouses secured. It is potaille they may have been opened by thieves, but more probable the result of care less negligence. An extensive robbery will some night open the eyes of these gentlemen to tne necessity oi looking Detter to their property. Stolen Pbopebif.

Yesterday a man bv th nam of William Brooks was arrested by umcer enmity charged with having in bis possession goo as mat nad been stolen. The property was recognized aa part of th proceeds of a recent robbery, and th man who is known to be liable to the long charge is supposed to have been one of the depredators. ANOTHXB lHIir TS VUSTODT. JUBt at present this interesting fraternity ar being subjected to no ordinary inconvenience. Some one oi the number are every oay being arrested and thrown into prison.

The most noted fall into the clutches of the officers first, and almost before they know the iron doors close upon them. Last night John Schneider, arrested by Umoer LAlly, succumbed to the requirements of the law. He is a well known onrgiar, and no doubt a participant in many of the recent depredations. Bobdb Fixed. This moi ninor John Bohnan per was arraigned before Recorder Neville on two affidavits, both charging him with burglary.

One of them la made dv F. Rom defirrof No. 383 Felicity Road, whose house was robbea on in mght oi the bth and one by Mrs. residing at No. 211 uaronaeiet street.

prisoner pleaded not guilty, to both charges, and bail was fixed at 15000 In each ease. It is ecareely probable that Johnny will be able to give this amount. In default of it he was remanded to th Parish lnson to await his trial before the First Dis trict Court. ocwd. soma more or th stolen property takes from the store No.

98 and 100 Baronne street, baa been found by th detective in a vacant house nearby. As yet no on else but th two men already arrested bar been implicated in th 'AHorsK Ain BuBGtAB TA BAPID. Red Smith, th pal 'I of fichnap per, and regarded as on of th most' skillful burglars in th city; was this morning paraded through, in principal streets with a bug placard on bis back, bearing the inscription, Bed Smith, House Breaker and burglar." He refused to permit his picture to be takan, and the Chief of Police took this method of familiarizing th people with th personal appearance of this Ingenious Smith is a man who at once impresses the1 beholder as cool, daring and sagacious. Of indomitable will, and perseverance that ho obstacle oould subdue. Directed to honest ends, thee duali ties wonld achieve him success, and probably distinction.

Recorder Nerllle CnrC Leonard Harvey, arraigned on a charge of larceny, was sent to the Parish Prison for ten days. alike Glynn John Johnson were arraigned on a charge of fighting and disturbing tne peace, and the former nned and in latter discharged. John Schneider was sent to the Workhouse for three months, long enough to give the officers time to look up his habile of life recently, i Annie Brown, a very naughty disposed female, was sent to the Workhouse for sixty days. Wb. Smith was sent down for six months.

He has more than once broke out of the institution, but is not likely to do so this lime. A. Sampson was required to furnish peace bonds in the sum of $i50. Charles Ross was discharged and the case dismissed. Minor offences as neual.

Indutti y.A man who gives bia children habits of industry provides for them better than by giving them a fortune. Activity is liable to commit some injuries but indolence is sure to do no good. Zimmerman. LIST OF LETTERS REMAfNlKG in the Ton Offlee at Hew Orleans, and uncalled foe the 12th of ftlay, 1SCS. Reported Dally ler ta Pleavano.

In order to make the List of Letters a aoneet as possibles Latf and Gentlemen taking letters the Poet Office are xeaueated to erase their names rxom the List LADIES' LIST. Abbott A mrs Brand mrs Bates larah Jane Brigs miss Broatlh'sd mrs Blevina Wm A lurs Beatty mrs BuJeer John mrs Bard mrs Berwick Xauna Collin m'me Cable 8 miss Cowen Thvrota Oounell Boners Cos ley Kate miss Coneannon Anne Cronne Geo mis Clark mrs Be Mott mrs Doyle mrs Davidson mrs Dod miss Dowuin Bella miss Kmerv Ellen Kjnik mrs Vsvsoux mrs Fellows miss FaneUBUen Gartar Bacbel Ooczales mrs Oulbper mrs Harriwn Mary mrs Hart mrs Harris miss Howard nus Hnrison Ade Hitchco*ck mrs Johnson Lanr Jones Laura Jones Amis Keller 1 are Kokernot Baocv BeUogg mrs Bllgoie 6 A miss tompkin miss Lacdorb nrrs Lenifcan mrs Verks Imogens miss Malt apian Ada Marks Man Moras mrs, Perdido st Moore A mxa MeMUlen raise McCarty mis McKnigkt mrs Kelson BalUe O'Beal Maggie O' BH ai'me CBiau 7 m'me Pitfleld A mrs Powell nrrs Biley miss BoLuson A mrs But led ie mra Bilay ilollie Bofett mrs Batdall mrs Salvatory miss Hkivner 8 mrs StuutCnil Hhann on Maggie Hsodt ra A Peipple mrs Seymour miss Smith Adelitie Thomas Willis Thomss A mrs Todd mrs Thornton miss Wren mrs Walter mrs Wells mrs Whitney mrs Warner mrs Wei Ihsusen Mary Walker mrs WhltiDf mrs Williams Bachel Msggio Adams Anoe raoirC Aahtoa JB. Borron A Barton Burk Bruce PCdr Benson Bail 8 Blue Balrd A Brown HO Baxter Calloway CarruthJ 1 CrotnB Campbell CoSrad John ClarkeTbos Conloh Lacky Corcoran Cogswell Cashma Pempsey Delaney I Damson Donegan Dan Douglas A Dee Martin BldUdgeTho Bgan Jno Adams Laclnda Rrtmer rain Baoh Km ma Bradford mrs Biooks mrs Breehenn; mrs. Brlscho mrs Barksdsle miss Byrne Mary A miss Church Sarah mrs Caren miss Cerrick Bridget Connolly Maxaie CoUMary Churchill tncy Collins xila miss Czonan John mrs Donneli Mary Downey mrs bye mrs Baris Louisiana miss Deacon mra Katoa miss Brichsen mrs Florence miss Fioaay mrs Fisher Clara a GreenhouKh mrs Garry 8 miss (iull mrs Heard A mrs Harris miss Hood mrs Hale Lizzie miss Ham mode In ra ss Jones 8 mrs JoliDstou A A miss albert A mrs King Mary mrs Killeaha Mary Kay miss Kennedy Mary miss li Lirtngston 0 mrs, col Ladnler 8 mra Mnrrlse mrs Mlnnkihaha miss Morton mra Mulereery Mary Murphy Kate Mac McJonea A mra "McOreath Alloe McGteehan Bilaa Nolan Sarah Oliver mrs O'Keal Bitty miss Parr Kettle mUs Psttersoa mrs Vaejron Mary Boss A 8 mrs Blthardbon mrs JU gsu mrs BocUoid mrs Reynolds mis SterensonM miss Bbelton miss Si aula Wm mrs Starr Lena miss Blieildaa Mary Sheen A miss Smith I miss Thompson A mrs Thomson Mary mrs Temple I miss Waek Emma Willis Virginia Welton 8 mrs White mrs Willis Annie Word mrs Weodlev Bachel Ward Marr mra Williams Maria mrs Initial GJCNTTiEBLENtl LIST. ArmitageW Ames Billy Allan Oscar BorgeB Arms Wm Andrews Bartchsr no Bar Alar cant Behan Tho redhead Chas Burgh Born A Bird ueiden wm Bennett AcaptBlake raaa Thee Bishop BenkamG 0 Billing Ed Beckro A Carlln Cooney Thos Cook capt Clark Clark James Clark a Cosby Geo Corcoran Jas Cellos Clarke Dillon Jas Denmtaa Dewing Donegnne Tim Detaon Jet Davenport Elmore BzakineGee Flan, Butler fcoe Funk Henry Fisk Aug FinesanW Frost FB 3 Oriffing B.

Gibblngs 0 Godfrey A dr Gilding Ouinan Bar GaUaghar Deals HyvrOA Howey Ben Harrison OH' Hyde Hlteaeeek 2 1 Fleldea Fermon Jas Fraaiar Joe Gibson The Gresham mi Graham dr Grady DO Garvey Jas i GosleeJW Hani Hooper keo BarreU A BowlandL Hodges at Hooper Bd Aoo HogaaBB nugnee to Harnsy Mieb Henry Hooper EM uenon rat Inneali'W Judge Bugh Jacobs BB Jsatman Jevtdan Boyd A Jon Burrows Baker Ed Bushnell Byrne Jk Cavps A C.ealeG CarrB Caasle Louis Collamore CeatorJ Cressey Wm Clay Cosbey rev Cramer AB Dobell Jas Duaeomb Dal ton Bobt Dans il Drawaa Frank Dunbar Jas Swing Thos Bwinc Wn Freeman no Foy Chas Foaertv Chas KBIT A Kann Gabriel EiwhaUOK Kaattman SaOerdrat tlndaWH 1tOB LeeJ Laurana MayTP Morris Moore Andrew Marsh Edtta MUtenbsncer A Murray Yin Mute VcBnany MvOowan UeLanghiin Koll NealaTB HubWU Joseph CDowd A O'Begau PitVIu IRQ Paimt Halt uo QilnllanM Biley K(ran Jus Ba nolos Bockte lcr Bfpley Eetd Sdwaid Boblnsen 1 SherrowJ Ewan Joseph rptsn iQua Smith Smith Bug Strong oapt bort Michael Bk inner Bill Shepprd A Squire builivan Pat Falls, Howell Aoo Gold smith. Haw lav aoo Gardiner Grealy Mich uiuna jsjou Heuaiey Ben Hutching BO Banna Jaa eel Hanson Herkey Ac uteroaymus Hiaeso Hams Banie Halubutt mr Harper Btr) HolUngsworkh Hoemaa VHarra Hart Ed ...4 Is graham Thoa Irwin Johnson A Joankon A Joiee Mich Jones KB Jacobs Jourdan JamUea Johnson Mich KelLr keo Kelly Saul KnlxhtABro Xi Ineky no Lyons a. lesaoa Thee WlyBe Ulofcp Wm Ia LeaveavoctaO LavrleasS Milton i Miller Jn May keo Moor Wm Mdler Manchester KulUgan fflaea MeQnsds Jae MeUabbln Wm aloClellaadT 5ob1 Andrew Noyse Kash Cbas Donnell lUmnell Parker lev Ptlcker Pities i ulnn Pat Keste Kejnolda aace rautck Bwegle Lewis 0 Mbbard Jas Bbaw Hainan Bmun Johu Bmlth ULam Dearies Jos Shields 8 anion Wm Samson Bloieen Bykes Shelly James Samborn vscar fctackhoase dr Telson Tovrnsend Tsrdy Tinton Thsyer col Tarl'on dr Teriyr gen Taylor Wm Trowbridge Wra Tardrew VaDBenthnysen VanFergea A Vanoe 11 rev VaiidttTort kt Wise John Wbeaton Wblte Watlaoe Wm Kellett Leo KirkiaadS Ker A A Kernain WK VandertneF MeoreK Mead Meaner 8 Marshall Moore aeo Mitchell Leo MoFsfl JB MoBlhsMJno KoyesLT llorville ScCO Sorwood A Osborne no Phillip. A A Piatt Ueo Pearson A 9 Quagle Mark BeadBH Bublnsoa Ruin ma Biouaras a Btcbardtoii A Buddy Juo dr Birg SOP Bmiy Khodea Cbas Biggotta CUas a Smith Koto Jas flheldon Btrans Blohard Bpearanmr BypUer A etskri iron a Btarbnck DIM moan Bobert Whittaker Geo Woon dr Wlarall ma) iUis Waahlgton Waters Oee odd blood Teung Williams Jos Wheatly Wm Tulle looug Jonn lonngoiooa laltlaJs. P.

L. 0. True Delta Z. 7. Foreman of Jeff.

En nine Company. Bo. of Orleans Foreman of American Hook and Ladder Company, Ho. 3 M. Men's Christian of Ooeaa Lode p.

Bo 4 Southern Parlaa President Cnlyersitj of Loaisiana Secretary of Crescent Lodge. Bo. 3, O. O. Captain of etramer oi nieoou HooUOeo Sprtmle si Wen dei rilie SalllTaa Da rid Bcamp Mania 8miih Frack Terry Wm llord Tucker Jos TutUa Chas Vanhera A Pas Waldo Chas Vfhitney Wm 5 Wumni uo Merck, lfet68 1 Bow Beady, tba followiM wtk, containing 1039 aloeely printed, large oe tay pages, veil sound law sheep.


BBW TO BE: FCBUIHKD BT TF TjnoW LAW COMPACT, Bo. 128 roadway. Third Floor, In the Americas Exchange Batlonal BankBullding. The Book will be sent, Prepaid, to any address in the United States, on receipt of TBB DOLLARS or it will be forwarded by Express, with Bill, to be Paid on Deliyery. From ALEX.

W. BABDALL, Postmaster General: ST. JOHB B. L. SKINBBB, First Assistant Postmaster General and JOSBPH H.

BLACK VAX, Chief Cleik Post Office Department. D. Feb. 14, 1868. JOHB LIVIBQ8TOB, Secretary hterohants.

Union Law Company Dear Sir Tout new LAW EBGI3TEB and OFFICIAL DJBBCTOBT, Just latued, appears to have been very carefully prepared, and we think may be of great aerrice in th transaction of the business of this Department. The work will doabtleas prove valuable to erery oJflei, Hnkpr. merchant and business man. ALEX. W.

EAEDAIX, Postmaster General. BT. JOHB B. 8. SKTBBBB, First Assistant Postmaster Seaeral.

JOSBPH H. BLACKFAB, Chief Clerk Post Office Department. From Hon. FBABCB E. BPQTBEE, Treasurer of the United Btetoe, WASBXBGTOB, D.

Feb. 1868. JOHB UTTBGSTOB, SetaryJaarohanU union law company Dear Sir The new LAW EEQDJTSB aad OFFICIAL DIEEOTOBT, Just issued, appears to hare been very carefully prepared, and we find it of greet serriee in the transaction of the business of this Department. think the work would prove a raluable acquisition to, and should be en the desk of every prominent offl oi al, banker, mar chant and business axan. F.

BPOTBEB, mhlS Treasurer United Stat. JTJIaBB AaATJSSSTJBB 4B ooji Of Wntna, etnas, fnrla suadLmadosai Proprietors ef the slebrateA TTECX CSPB, Dry fffianipagne, and holders af the BED ABD WHITE BUEQUEDIE1 such as EOMABXE, EIOaXBOUBa, CHAMBEBTTB, CLOS TOUGBOT, OOTJTOM BTTrB, TOLBAX. POMMAED, BEAUBE, MOBTBACHET andCHAELIB. For erdra, writ Bl Mutta, Farki avase, apply lOfl BT. BTJEBOlFn, waravlrsfat, dAWtf Exprt of the Knrisamd Genuine BllnermI Waiter The really almost mlraenl hsaling power of th Earbbad Mineral Water JaiS widely known to require any forth roctrni mend atioa.

The experien of sermal eeatartee has established this mot. Tk exported Earlabad Water la need tn the earn manr at heme a at the Bpriaga The uanal do I On Bottm Mineral watarvry SBerning. It east be taken at later mm wvzumo vaa ev hhip vaia ot tw ty minutes, either Id is of twenty minutes, either eoid tlKDiriWKSi Adda. 14 carboys Bnlphurlc ACXD luil pounds Bltrie too MurtaUe 100 Oxalio 140 Acetic BOO Cltrto loe ounces Tannic 00 pounds Tartaric er warm, during I aornlag promeaada, or at home; end, ii nscis I mmtm sbeuld require, in ted also. In ard to la I slty 7 eiuass tha oursaUra effiee as she a i nni lal Karla.

bed Water, It ly neeeeeary to add a tee spoonful ef the salt known HDrudelaala. All orders for Minora Water. Bpradelaala. 8prudelsoep, will be punctually attended to at the depots in erery crtj of any note. ap3o myis 30 XTO.

WHO LEH ALE DRUGGIST, 19 Mamxlai Street Haying received a Bew and BxteaslT Btoek Freeh DBUQS, aCEDICDTES, CEECALB, FBBFUsfBET BTEUaBB, FOCKTP rBBTBUBTKBTS, FTBB PBB8CBIPTTOB BCALBS, BTO. Eespectfnlry Informs Apotheeartee, Grocers, FlanV era, Country Dealer, Bntlera, and others, that he is prepared to supply them with every erUele in the Drug Line they may require, all of th best quality, at Krwsr prices than they can bs purchased elsewhere. The following articles are now on bant and com mg la store: MO on noes Sulphate QCI5T5B. 100 pounds BLUB MASS. too CALOMEL, BngHsh and American.

100 MBBCtBIAL OIBTMBBT. ino Beat Turkey OPIUM. 100 ounces Sulphate and Acetate KOBPHTBE. 100 LUBAB CAUSTia SO barrels sJITM. Lump and Ground.

ao pounds AQUA AMMONIA, soo SPIRITS BITBK, Dule, 100 Bulphnrte BTHXB, 100 CHLOBOFOBM, 10 barrels COPPSBAS. O0 pounds CBBAM TARTAR. Mkegs BL CAKB. SODA. 10 easka SAL SODA.

sexes 8ALEBATU8. J00 pounds QUICKSIXVEB. 10 barrels BoD RIBS TO KB. Flour SULPHUB. SOS pounds 8BBBA LEAVES.

0 OUM ABABia tars Carbonate of AMVOB1A lboo pounds ARROW BOOT. UO AB3AF0ETIBA. 100 Balaam C0PAIT A. 1000 BLACK LEAD. aoo entaiR boot.

SOO CAMPHOE SO Boxes Castile SOAP. 10 Gross Copal ta CAPSULES. 100 poonds Extract LOGWOOD. BOO Pearl 8AOO. doaen Scotch SBCFF.

100 Maecaboy SBUFF. B0 kegs Beflaed BALTFBTEE, 10 eases British LUBTBB, 10 ceoper's DJIKGLASS. t9 Eng. Calcined MAGBES1A, 100 pounds Garb. MAGBKAIA.

1000 Refined BORAX. 00 Cl.bris LIQUOEICX tOS BXGUBH MC8TAED. A 60 gaUona Pure BAT BUM. B9 barrels FLAXSEED, ralnt end On. 10 casks EngUsh eniUaa Bed.

10 barrels MIBBEAL PAIBT. 10 bPAXISH WHIT1BQ. LAMP BLACK. kecs WBITB LEAD, pounds PUTTT, in Bladders. CHBOMB 0RKI5.

PARIS SEBEB. BIO CHBOMB TBLLCV too Assorted colors. TABBIBBES, FAIKT BBrEETS, L15SEBD OIL, SPIRITS TURPBETTSE, BSATSFOOT OIL, Pure, CABTOB OIL, in Cans and Eega, Eta, etc Glasswnr. box Assorted VIALS, whit and green Glass, Apothecaries' JABS, all else. 300 boxes WTffDOW GLASS, assorted.

Fortaruerir ate, 100 doaen CO LOGS WATKB. B0 HAIBOILB. 100 POMADES, assorted. 100 EXTRACT, ror Handkerchief. gross Lowe's Brown W1BD80B SOAP.




Thee dlfleteet saaiisiiisa tha reeeLt saedloal iiinnii hi n. fi? Cheastoury aa Taaraeeatlea. Taey mas i oi ibe eootouaded wtth eseret er ejnaek saadietaea i as theu nasaes sumcieuAry taaleate Shatt msausal Uaat a eireaaastanc vrkaeh bee ssunl thtT to a appteiate and tusimlii aa faewJ i ty tm the waste, wsrUL They vUerfsuaet! pobliB paaeie aa able So sure every eeaslMe dls ease, as they are applicable onhr to bat a yry raw eomplauta. Tbe most etrlsens saws TTWt ts Fraoee, with regard ta the sale of aseOVai pm ratleas, aod only these ertnea j4enraoe ac examlnatiea by the AeaAeeiy of Mediato. aaa har ba preVed efBeaeanoa, ettber ta la bea pni or ice snccies oi ue Unt asealeal aaea.

are enthortod by the GoyeraaMot, Thla must be a guarantee for th excellency of Msssis GrUnanlUetOo. Mediniaea. DOCTOB LEEAB (Doctor of Medicine) LIQUID PHOSPHATE OF IROB, The ns west aod most estMmed milna in eaaaa Chlorosis. Pains in the Stomach. Dim Uon.

DismeDorrhea, Aalmee, General DebiUty and Fooreess of Blood. It la particularly reeem mealed to reiralato tbe rojietiena et nature, aod toaU ladles of eelieese eoostitution, aa wll as to persons safferma oooet every am of debility wbatseowa it the pre seratiTe of health, par excellence. In waaai and relaxing climatea. Bo Mere Cod Uvr Oil. GETMAULTB BTEUF OF IODIZXB H0BSB B1DI7B This medcice has been administered with the utmost sneers in the Borptcalaof Paria.

It is a peaf ect aubssltut for Oed htrr OU, and has been tared meet heneaesal la eeases of the chest, soofnla, lysspaatie disardera, green atok nesa muscular atony, and loss of appetite. It rcsrjeratee th enuatmnion ta purifying' the blood, it being tbe asosS pevsrfal eparatit* krown. It kas also seen Applied with happy re sults In diseases of tbe skin. Farther, it wiB as found to be of great benefit to yours eh 114 re a eus teet to humors and obstroetion of the gland. ooyicamor erase.

GETMAULTB BTEUF OF HTPOPH08THATB OI LIMB. ThU new saadleine eoaalaered a atrra reign dte resBedy a eesee of eooeusspttSB and other of the lunra It rmnntli M.nm tne moot serious ypoma, The eougk la reUerad, alfbt pereprratioas cease, and the peUeot I sa id restored to beelUu 1 BiB. Be siure to see that ta alcaatax OUX MAt LT Oa. Is affixed to th settle, a ahis eyTup ie haMe to so aoaa numcci ea raorrca aenssriiaii. BCEJB DU BdSSOBB (Leareate th Paris Imperial Acaasary oj DIGESTTTE LOZEBGES, TbiadeUoiooe preparation Is always by the aaost MMitaA anadtaal km km esses er derangements of th direetiT Trans such ae GAJJTBTnB, OABTEALOIA.

long aod laborious digestion, wind la the stomach and bewele, erne elation, Jaundice, and complaints of the lire and navors aADACxas, irsraAieiA, alAaaaou, ajrrxt, rjrrrASTAnoru.T oraan at OEnUCXTfl OU ABABA. i nis yegetaoi auDetanee, which grows In the Kraal la naa aeon emDlored alna tt. nai io euro mn aeration of she be we la. It kas prored of late to be of th graateM serrtee tc ease of cboWra, it a prwrenUre and tan in cases of Diarrhog. so aoaa duxaih or ras skol DOCTOB CAZEBAVTB FTLLS.

tds emcacy or toeee plus baa been Brind after rwenry yeare of experience in the Hospital of Baiat Louia la Paris, ander th Direction of Prof. Ceaenara, bead medical man. Thla heepttaj is UTUm OUZO OI SKm 1 aoaa anrsniA, voamw aracr raaeauscT ea sas sicnaa. GETMAULTB ELTXTE OF PBP8TBE. altoration ta this aahWdnaa preparation.

It will eoneequeatlv be nrean a Mesa, Grtmeall bee faculty and of the rFUle, Is the dlreedre aM. rum IVbTbT rrimum rfwnm wm Mine per oxeoiteaeo, and Is at moat agreeab) table liqaoc (to i pabUe in ai pus lie in wiwn ui um awi eiuusuo And tn eaQ tba attention a ta general to the feet that real pepsin Is prepared la Fraoee alone. alan. ABTHJU AiTTiaU ASTHXA. hf mu susn anon extracted frem th stoscach of pord.

mo noaa oopaiba an crass, GEIktArLTTJ CAPoULiS ABB LIQUID ETTEACT OF MATIOO TBCJaTALIS. wsera au ouier steaicin Bare failed, tbees preparations win alwavs snnct a core. Thoo Insure rspld and extraordinary cure of severe, recent and chronic eases of prfrate d'tnoeti They are used In tbe Hospital of Paris by UmeeUaratod vr. aioora, asa are rounu greatly superior to all hitherto known mineral remedies, and Oocoibs ard Cube be. Tbe tn)eetion is nsed la reoest aod DTD LAB C3QABETTSS.

Prepared with the Essence of CanabU Indlce, Wonderful results bay been obtained from use ot these Crarattee by peraana auBariag from Asthma, and other ompiaints ef the respiratory B. All the aaov medleal aeeorapanled by lnetraertons aa to the manner la which they are to betaken. GEEBEAL DEPOT In Paris At GEMAUXT A roe ElchalUa. LB BEW OELEABB DELOCHBi OAETELi MOBTt8B BOHWAJ MAUBEILL A firr. TEE MITTLTA BOUQUET.

Bee Idee. tba yrntok ar the xmatv proystlj ef their house, Messrs. Blgand A Oa, orvpere ts a moot approrea aoo supenor man nor au the fee looabl aoanta, aanongsi wuca wi th Ess. Bocsuet. WeedTlolsfc jecaey vuia, unsua, Bew Mown a nay, Fmld Flow era.

By the perfui nom xnurM TOLtrnn admlrabU toOet we Mi, Che of beauty, i isg till fi ulisim af His tno is i mesa mine) ei mil ain At tae of oeion adapted to the SoUet, aad Is I bly portor to Ban do Colore, esteemed ot vinegars and the Florida v. arree the akin skit It lathers ahead ant re beta, and is all that DEETOETEE as ttwra rarra. The torlne is a ilsssaat attxir BUKXIE AKBABOXJCiaT. Oaaad aOev AaeB las, Uaa, road aillrwaaalauewei 4 raaw crrv. M.

Horse Car. Bteam Tratn. vt 9 ere lets 1 BL P. M. 4 mhSl Bew Jerk A.

1 raow tan. lt A. St. BtoesiTrata. r.

bl. ft lis Mora Oar.1 sraaaf AaaAaeaaBarr. Btoaa trala trosa city, la haa oi bora eat, every Sunday marnlng at e'eioak. Aa extra traia wm tsars the eQy every I at i cckjca r. au Oaand after April tbe train ail either end of the readea Bosslay vary nail hour trim I naUl I 'clock P.

Pars to aod froat tha Lake, aasaa day .13 eeata. Paeaengeta lor eaaUEy saaat aettfy the Doss a tor prior te eaeartsne of bala. fsrs as OeailBj Biaissi easts each way GEO. FAEBTLT, Oeneral uperlatea4 saeafc. DIRECT EOLTS TO TUB HAST, Atlantic and Great Western Eailwtj.

THE OBIT BBOAD GACGB BOUTE T0 THB EAST. Twe Express raseeaxas Trains leave Kw Os feansasfaUawai Ik. BUaadlF.BL.aia Bew CTteene, jaaaaoa ana, urea aXieet an tine wlU pi ess Pssesngat Tram the ATLABTIO ABD OEEAT WESTEEB EAJXWAT. Ikying Cincinnati aa aDewat DAT LIGBTBIBG EZFEEUB A. BL.

aRrrbngfes Bew Terk 1 1 P. Bt next day. and Boston I A. BL. EIGHT UQHTBTBQ EXPEKM, P.

F. BL moons' e'eulas. OOLDEB PALACB aiEEPCBa ABB DAT COAOE DBB are ran from CtaotaaaU to Bew Xaxk wilaeel hangea, Paasenaars holdiar Throe A nekasa mwmmmHMM awlsa THE MJEAEDA BATE OIL ABD FOMATTXM a resaarkable preparsrkm Which way a oaDed a real treeouro So tbe hair. Itleoompaeodof teass aad lortlfytng eompennd, and kt sealing and ra serr the hair at the earn Um tt rarts ft a moss refreshing perfume. MJEAEDA BOAP.

ooarosxa tiotu ras snaz ru lclx. A atmple eompario ef thie with others aoet tt porfiim and rnfteah th sasnln. otisnglhn the gum aad preeoata deoay. TbeTeeUPaeten nmdAealtoareyeiatl la this nines of tolled aoaeary, end has don away with newaers and enias that are saera lorn acid and eeoseroea. A brnah smisd mrm stpr Abrnsh pesaed aw ttpr.

lam sfls tnaav4 WB s. too tomn.V reesrv th aUn'rrom th roorkne aft a Wind and th cold, gtre tt a soft fxeshnsea. aad pre rrnts rea spots ana ssi mm ai mr wnw to rie and atnrnk aewdei. and Is dsbmonsbr For sals ta Bew Ortoane by aMTtnt' F. P.

DUeOBQZ, Imaortor aod Dealer ta French nni Dmaa Cbaiicaya. Farraaaery and Patent mas, Chartr treat nil Ct 4) la ly to seaU la Golden Palace Cay wiUieut extra charge. Tea at the ear reuto raaatn Brpreaa Barga 'V 'fv4 ra Cnotnau Bw ork about cbeaca. riamm saeoia ajways iTiana aaetr ttnasta wbeei Bwrrbasteg. and oee that thryraadvm Aa Ieeueea4erwe4 Western Boaiwa.

inrooaa ncaete aw aaie as au i OfhMa km tbe South i in BewOr Cam and Common streets, Eotaada at SUChacaas and Bu Jamee Hotels, 14 Oameran sweet, and a the Paaanrer Deeet of Bw Orleans, Jackson ami viiwai aorinmm iirean. dXl ei N1 0. TAB. Genera) BAM. A.

LBWTB. thern Past nest AreaA BHATTTa, OELEAB. OPELOOBAB ABB'CEEAT VVUIAXB EAOEAAb. kail Born BXTwxnr rrr oeleabi WESTEEB iaTCIBIAEA AIB TEXUL naBaOresd Ferry Boat win 1 ta met tt BU Aaaeoeet, eepeerte Jaekaon Bwaare. Dal IT, Mill natellag wuk tn FaBeXMU xaxsv, assmna a HTissn a a a.

a. Bhippera eed eeoeiraoee at fri fjaifbt, Vy Etvtnsl noiiee hi tne new la tean Tranaiac Oomseny. nor Camp and Common stiuota, can nare thear goods riettod or de Boosed at any part of la may Freight for emtmas ea the read, ta en the Teehe, and for Opeiooaaavdelii Bew Iberia ik ntartinelle, reeerred aaOy. fhandayse4ed)freaBln. M.

toF. sdlnis I Freight Jo all potato Bayou Lanreaa, bsv I twe a LaidWrilVaaA Lockporl tor iZmmfM I Canal, and for Houma, will be tecelred and traee F. F. DUOOBOB, Chartr atreel TICTOEIA FEBFCMEBT. EIOAUD '43 ru da EicheSeu.

Pari. THB EIBO OP FBEFUMB The Vlrtorta Perfumery ta new adopted aw the Ute of the list oei sty aad fashlmisliis world aoaoaat ef tbe portor articles an th SaUet, one ot wbieh aes keen made a ssssisllty. The aew perfumes prepared with tee Baaenee of Tiangylacg, extracted by diatlllsraasi from the aooo aiinrartesima, and Uaportsd from the Phlha ploe laianda, A beyond eemaarta taelrael leacy aod swat rnoss, We aheretar ret the bean mama to try fume THE ETTEACT OF TLAEGTLAIQ ported tare ash, rt Twrrnoonn Stations at th roach AU outward freight payaaia a the Urn eeln meet, sea au mwar rroirM eenvery. ea'4 tf W. B.

SAILKT, swan aans a A aupertimed i T. W. BOTBICxX UBDEErAEEE, Cermer Camp and Dclordl street, JHIWvOELEAEE Meunie, BUhocaay. Black Wamnt. aad wood mns always hand.

Blaek, eaun, Vrowm aad white Merino ladles' and ehudrete onreodinc. tanwrisi one mi men i ii FuEerala mteaded DEeraie mteaded eatazalln The ecpeiVsiry a bee toe well SfT. smet At Aaty oanfaile shipped. Beers. Oarrta ami Oee tor Hire.

to in person by th prewtotor. ho bopea, by strict attontion, to ebula a aha of iwWf pemtistst; at i. WEST, FEACTKlAl BEBTHT, fEaTABXlBETJi Tw tyrwe Tea,) 1 Berth etreea, wraeeito eeyete sssmtfally Iss eantsan of Bew Orlea teat he jnliisis si i iKmi is th TTETB la a moot akuful and sabaiaetory mn ear. Hlsprteea, althes rb eeemmgiy algk, tH fcf re smsanor Snae tn enaaeau His nsttaai sf svpprymc ABTLFIOaAL TTTTBL without wires or rpruwa, upon kie now also wiuwui wuws or rprwaa. upon am now eiao tm af SdheeiaB.

kas pioomed him si i is sal arrmastw. and la rinmain4il Vatar tn meat taiisJia system klthorto toeoatod, to ail aaeas rmantag a toeaarttontam and mslwathrn, and aermctasm syh aeeala i of eraLiaa auah weclAA well toOaO and axaortn m. Tboao mtsseaead wffl aad tas a ae ecttrair aod i Tooth Bxtraeaad with Pemsg priee, el. Tbe ss res uae any snsiaisnfc rkdtao. rae i taelr saaa aa.

ametwee. etral a ease at eaTi mi 4 rrroaa iaeaaa lhssylVrrsrttJMt other tmmemmmt IKsAasas mBrehmv DB. MUUA eefls the wtth nayef ta By ta mens. DB. WEBTB motbe Ot FlLUEv TlaTM WTTH SOLD siwiliill an HXDICJaX.

CAJLDS. BOOK FOB THE GB FOBTCBATB BAADIWTJI DUFF'S Treat is nn Pdrata Pi at ant si Impetenry, Loss ef Fowc BeTroos Debility, with note em mpediment te klarrUgf. abouidbe read by aU contemplatog nxarilaga. Bent by mall an seeaiy af xt oexts. by J.

B. VZTT A CBX7FIE, Bew Qtl ns Medical lasUUito. eplBtelyf Xi UaEB sLrae. Bew Orleans. where sJ prl rata diet sere ere etitosfuny treated.

ABXEBETBTB OOTOEBESA ABD OtTTB, aaal pacta ef Uae Us anlTm aai Baavhse which In ae testae has Srrer faUed. werrei wed I ta ciwetaarVjHi4 a beejstae ease Siipare Palaa ef tnn Lama, kmteuon of the Trethra i re erareL well Chroni ammtie tn Uiaear iortder. ot. Beettrliilimm awtafl. tm Drug Baa D) igs is MsI, aad 7 eragxleM gieera.

J. otf lNlatsewd LJW8rfcv omBge Plaee. sol i is SHaarrUm end Oisl sa, UVALOAAAB lkiJOTaA.Z pa reeau4 to ass in sml'ist otviawa. Ta adeptod by Ua Is that wives kas the aswtwral ef toe meet dmttay end He Terk. end Mel mm mwm Cm MM! fl II I III 1 rtLa.

eonerrbeo, Btxtoran. Bilmgaaiirl ef Prormas a daUghtJal aUky out I mSmbbb mmww swawszas I oxn, rvaas ami ssiLi ea be reBed en. srprwa and ekij ea ran en. au MULLEB opened ra this etry, all ta amsry oasi key be andor at esse knee wean owiedw tsisili iasiTlii I lis of these wot ef nmsraaam ease ef tnrt SO US. MthS Usrav years eAb ke eared, totfaeeuitaiee tie pav nsi isti 1T Bow Caiiei i Is as) SL's timrms taf Bcriesure Is not know aoctb of new Vera, nia ueaimvui or i 1 1 es i ii i and warn eswarra, enaaaa, Bar una, eta asnms Aoaee, but a ear I ebtnoed ta oee er tw ear wliboct wain, In mnlsiim a en is tn wii 1 Bepa a i at nr toesetod erttain tne tarn LkrOTIBCT.

Tauarn etbea. vH ay essa enl in osif peJan may knw areatit sawinree asrvef theeetaaal i inismiiu at Am rrom em i siiialislsi aaduisien of the a on pro ssetnre aee. ro jl Seminal emlaatoaa, ai j. ry, rr p' wirn. I at eereecaaarat, av aBH psm TDM naaVTnBTnmmBaL mBnmmTmEE'r aFmasr on Med BtytaH, dai at bis DB.

AvaA BEBJ. F. MCLLan, at. fj..

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.