Treble Clef Notes - How To Read And Draw It (2024)

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Treble Clef Notes - How To Read And Draw It (1)

The treble clef is one of the most common and popular clefs in music. I began taking piano lessons when I was 9 years old and I quickly began learning how to read music. The treble clef was the easiest for me to start getting the hang of because I associated it with my right hand.

The treble clef or “G” clef is the clef that spirals around the second line from the bottom. The spiral indicates that the note it wraps around is G. It is the G note above middle C. Middle C is the middle note on the piano. From bottom to top the notes on the staff lines read E, G, B, D, F. The notes in between the staff lines read F, A, C, E.

How To Easily Memorize The Treble Clef Notes

The staff lines can be easily read as “every good boy does fine.” This is the first way I ever learned how to read the treble clef and it is so simple once you memorize this. There are other acronyms if you don’t like this, but I suggest using an acronym to make it easy while you are first learning.

When learning to play the piano, one of the first things you will learn is to read the treble clef. The diagram below will show you the easiest way to do so.

The staff spaces can be read as “FACE.” This was always really easy to remember for me as a kid. If you are playing piano, you typically will be playing the treble clef with your right hand.

Ledger lines are lines that are outside of the staff. They can be below the staff or above it. These are short lines that are created for notes above or below the staff.

Once you find middle C, you simply just follow the alphabet all the way up and repeat once you get back to C. (C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C).

Treble Clef Notes - How To Read And Draw It (3)

History Of The Staff

The staff was created as a way to put an exact pitch to an exact note. Notation actually originated in the Catholic church.

How To Read The Key Signature For The Treble Clef

Key signatures are determined by sharps and flats. You will see either a sharp (# .) or a flat symbol next to the treble clef.

To figure out what key you are in by reading the Treble clef with sharps on it, you can use this pneumonic, “Fat Cats Get Dirty After Every Bath.” You will then apply the circle of fifths to figure out the key. The rule of thumb for the circle of fifths is to start on C and go up 5 notes or a “fifth” for each key. For example, C major has zero sharps and G major has one sharp, which is F-sharp.

To figure out what key you are in for flats I like to use, “BEADGFC.” You simply start on C and go down five notes and land on F. F major has one flat and it is B-flat.

My Personal Experience Using The Treble Clef

When I started piano lessons one of the first things my teacher taught me was how to read this clef. I found this clef easier than the bass clef because I’m right-handed. I was able to figure out the notes and then play them with my right hand fairly easy.

What Instruments Use The Treble Clef?

The instruments that use this clef are as followed; violin, flute, oboe, bagpipe, clarinet, saxophones, trumpet, horns, vibraphone, xylophone, mandolin, piano, and the recorder. Keep in mind that the piano also uses the bass clef as well.

In older times, the treble clef was used to mark a pubescent voice part. This is a fact that not many musicians themselves even know. I always found this interesting when learning music theory.

If you’re looking for a piano note chart, I recently put together a nice infographic on this.

How To Draw A Treble Clef Properly

If you have a piece of staff paper you will do as follows:

1) Draw A vertical line that starts from the top of the staff and goes slightly through the bottom of the staff. You want the line to be sticking slightly out of the top of the staff and the bottom.

2) Start at the top of your line and go down to the E note and make it a “P.”

3) Go through the vertical line and make a semi-circle that connects on the F note.

4) Make the semi-circle a into a spiral. This part is the fun part and isn’t too difficult.

5) Finish the spiral by ending on the G note. This is why this clef is also known as the “G” clef.

Treble Clef Notes - How To Read And Draw It (5)

What Are The 7 Musical Notes?

I did answer this above, however, the notes are: ABCDEFG. If you get technical, there are also sharps and flats within each note.


The treble clef is used in all forms of music and is a very important part of music theory. I still remember my musical journey and the feeling of learning how to read and use this clef.

Treble Clef Notes - How To Read And Draw It (2024)


Treble Clef Notes - How To Read And Draw It? ›

Reading treble clef notes requires knowing the pitch that each line and space represents. The lines on the treble clef staff

A staff (or stave) is the name given to the five horizontal lines on which we can write music. Musical notes can be placed either on a line (i.e. with a line going through the middle of the note head) or in a space. There are four inside spaces as well as the two outer spaces at the top or bottom. › wiki › Staff_(music)
represent the notes E, G, B, D, F from bottom to top. The spaces, also from bottom to top, represent the notes F, A, C, E.

How to read notes on a treble clef? ›

The notes on the staff lines in treble clef are E - G - B - D - F. One of the first ways I learned to remember the order of notes is with the phrase "Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge." The spaces also represent notes. They are F - A - C - E (going from the bottom space upwards).

How to read sheet music treble? ›

The Treble Clef contains 5 lines and 4 spaces in it, and each of these lines and spaces has a specific note that is located there. The notes on the 4 spaces are F, A, C, & E. The notes on the 5 lines are E, G, B, D, & F.

How do you read a bass clef for dummies? ›

The bass clef simply moves through the alphabet, with each line and space representing one "move." So, since the bottom line is a G, the space above it is an A. The line above that space is a B. The next space is a C, and so on, until you get back to another A on the top line.

What is the rhyme for the treble clef notes? ›

The notes on the lines of treble clef are: E – G – B – D – F. You can use the mnemonic Every Good Bird Does Fly, Every Good Boy Does Fine, Eating Green Bananas Disgusts Friends, or get creative and come up with your own! The trick is to find a mnemonic memorable enough that you never forget the treble clef note names.

How do you read both clefs? ›

Tips to help you read both clefs simultaneously
  1. Practice each clef separately.
  2. Start with easier pieces.
  3. Practice coordinating your hands.
  4. Recognize patterns like chords and intervals.
  5. Read in-between the lines.
  6. Summing it up.
May 4, 2022

How do beginners read music notes? ›

Knowing how to read notes on sheet music might seem tricky initially, but it's easier than it looks. From bottom to top, the treble clef notes for the lines are E, G, B, D, F; and the space notes are F, A, C, E. The spaces, in this case, are easy to memorize since they spell out the word face.

What does a treble note look like? ›

The treble clef is the most used clef in Western music notation. It primarily notates musical notes above middle C. The treble clef is shaped like an ornamental letter G, and its inner curve surrounds the note G4 that falls above middle C. For this reason, the treble clef is nicknamed the G clef.

How to draw music notes? ›

How do you draw a note step by step?
  1. Draw or trace a slanted circle.
  2. Draw the first symbol of the beam note.
  3. Finalize the form of the beam note.
  4. Draw the flag of the quaver note.
  5. Draw the head of the quaver note.
  6. Draw the straight line of the Treble Clef.
  7. Draw a small curve on the right side.
  8. Draw the S-shaped line of the clef.
Jan 16, 2024

How do you memorize a clef? ›

One mnemonic device that may help you remember this order of letter names is “Every Good Bird Does Fly” (E, G, B, D, F). As seen in Example 1, the treble clef wraps around the G line (the second line from the bottom). For this reason, it is sometimes called the “G clef.”

What is the trick for learning bass clef? ›

How do you remember bass clef notes? Many people use mnemonic devices to remember the bass clef notes. The bass clef line notes are G, B, D, F, A, which could stand for Grizzly Bears Don't Fear Anything. The bass clef space notes are A, C, E, G, which could stand for All Cows Eat Grass.

How do you tell what key a song is in treble clef? ›

We can determine the Key Signature of a music piece by the sets of 'Sharps or Flats' indicated immediately after the clef. The order of these flats or sharps follows the circle of fifths.

How do you read treble clef sharps? ›

Treble Clef Key Signature Order for Sharps

The F# will always be located on the top line, the C# in the third space, the G# sitting right on top of the staff, the D# on the fourth line, the A# in the second space, the E# on the fourth space, and the B# in the third line.

What is the acronym for the music notes? ›

Every Good Boy Does Fine

This one you may remember from grammar school. The acronym many students use for the lines of the treble clef is EGBDF- Every Good Boy Does Fine. The bottom line is E, then G, B, D, & F. This acronym, along with FACE gives you all the names of every note on each line and space note.

How to read treble clef guitar? ›

You will most likely see the treble clef (also called a G-clef, which looks like a fancy G). In this clef, the lines from bottom to top represent E, G, B, D, and F. The spaces from bottom to top represent F, A ,C, and E. As you go up a staff, the pitch raises, and as you go down a staff, the pitch lowers.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.